NBMA Takes Proactive Measures Against COVID-19 Variant XEC

Oru Leonard 

The National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA), has announced that Nigeria remains free from the new COVID-19 variant, XEC, which has been detected in some countries. According to Gloria Ogbaki, Head of Information and Public Relations at NBMA, the agency is taking all necessary precautions to safeguard public health and prevent the potential spread of XEC into the country.

Preventive Measures

To ensure continued safety, NBMA is advising the public to:

Stay Informed: Rely on trusted health authorities for accurate information regarding COVID-19 and emerging variants.
Adhere to Preventive Measures: Continue practicing preventive measures such as wearing masks, good hand hygiene, physical distancing, and proper ventilation in indoor spaces.
Get Vaccinated: Get vaccinated and receive booster shots, as vaccination remains one of the most effective means of preventing severe illness and complications from COVID-19.
Monitor Symptoms: Seek medical attention immediately if symptoms of COVID-19 occur, and follow guidance provided by local health authorities.
Cooperate with Health Authorities: Cooperate fully with health authorities in reporting cases and adhering to quarantine and isolation guidelines.

The NBMA is working closely with relevant stakeholders to monitor and assess the situation, and proactive measures, including heightened surveillance at borders, airports, and other points of entry, are being implemented to detect any potential cases promptly.

Photo Credit: BBC News

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