COSFAN Holds end of year meeting, targets SDGs

by Oru Leonard


The Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association of Nigeria (COSFAN), has held her end of year workshop and annual general meeting in Abuja December 11, 2018.

The event which took place at Ladi Kwali Hall, Sheraton Hotel, Abuja also witnessed the swearing in of executive members of COSFAN.

In her inaugural speech the President of COSFAN, Dr Ruth Abiola Adimula, said that the event is also a gathering of stakeholders of the global goals, towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in diverse sectors.

She said that COSFAN  members are professionals in their various fields, seasoned and skilled in their chosen careers, and they are distinguished Nigerians who have benefitted from the British and Nigerian governments in educational investment through scholarships and fellowship sponsorships in the United Kingdom and were ready to “Since 1959 the British government has been offering scholarships and fellowships to Nigerians among other nations and till date, over 2000 Nigerians have benefitted” she noted.

Dr Adimula highlighted the objectives of  COSFAN which are to promote and advance education in order to create awareness , inform and impact the Nigerian society, provision of scholarships to deserving Nigerians and to act as a think-tank in different need based development issues in Nigeria, UK and other Commonwealth countries, which are targeted towards achieving the SDGs.

“Beyond appreciating our benefactors, we have come to give back to the society. We are set to impact positively, we are making ourselves available to collaborate towards enhancing the education and other relevant sectors in the country, by offering voluntary services to those who need our professional services” she said.

Dr Abiola Adimula said that they have made themselves available to collaborate with willing partners , also called on other COSFAN members across the globe, who are yet to be part of the vision, to join the move, to put the country at a higher pedestal of high educational standards.

The Head of Office, Department for International Development (DFID), Ms. Debbie Palmer, who delivered a keynote address on Tuesday, at the COSFAN end of the year workshop, with the theme, “Galvanizing Strategic Partnerships for attainment of the SDGs” called on the alumni to raise their voices to be heard on improved sanitation, access to public health care, standard education, skills acquisition demanding for more and a better system to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), and that DFID is investing hugely in its partnership with Nigeria across a whole range of activities, and urged COSFAN to make their voices heard.

She said Nigeria is an incredibly important partner to the United Kingdom as it is the second largest programme globally which is because Nigeria is significant in achieving the SDGS. “You are a fantastic group, a talented, skilled, educated people. You are living and working in Nigeria and together you have a strong voice and I encourage you to make your voices heard”, she added.

She also said that the SDG goal 17-‘Partnerships for the goals’, which aims to revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development, is the spirit of what the Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows brings to the event and urged them to use their networks to positively impact their societies and communities.

The Department for International Development (DFID) is a United Kingdom government department responsible for administering overseas aid.

Highlights of the event were the Swearing in of Dr Abiola Adimula led exco, COSFAN Award to Ms Palmer, the Head of DFID, Nigeria Office and presentation of the Strategic Plan.

The event witnessed dignitaries drawn from the NTA, Ministry of Education, British High Commission and COSFAN members from all works of life.

The Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows Alumni Association of Nigeria (COSFAN) is a nonprofit body formally registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Nigeria in 2012.

It is made of eminent Nigerians who have benefitted from Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships in the United Kingdom between 1960 and present.

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