YIAGA Africa Urges INEC To  be open in sharing information

 Sarah Domozu

The Youth initiative for Advocacy, Growth and Development AFRICA (YIAGA), has urged INEC to be open in sharing of information to the media.

The group also called on the electoral body to be transparent at all level, where materials have been wrongly deployed to states, the should ensure the materials are redeployed. In event of shortfalls, it  should engage local vendors to print materials to address reported cases of shortfalls.

Security agencies should also avail themselves and exercise their functions within constitutional limits. The rights if citizens must be respected before, during and after the election.

YIAGA applauded INEC for its preparedness towards the rescheduled elections.

YIAGA Watching The Vote (WTV) have also made  observation plans for the presidential election on 23rd February  2019 as it previously did. Following the postponement, YIAGA AFRICA deployed her observers in the 774LGAs to monitor the implementation of INEC’s  reviewed election logistics plans.

The observer undertook visits to INEC’s  state and local government offices as well as central bank offices in the state. WTV observers reported retrieval of materials from local government to central bank and reconfiguration of Smart Card Readers  across  the countries.

The body has promised to deploy 3’906 observers through out the country in  preparation for the general elections.

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