Schools In Abuja Benefit From Indonesia Charity Bazaar

Oru Leonard

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with Indonesian Women Association in Abuja, Indonesian Community in Abuja and Indonesia Ladies Association recently organized a bazaar, called ‘Taste of Indonesia 2019’.

There was a fundraising charity during the bazaar of which all the proceeds will be donated to three Primary Schools in Abuja.

The names of the benefiting schools are: L.E.A. Nomadic Primary Schools, in Galadimawa (AMAC) Abuja; Lugbe By Aco estate, Off Airport Road Abuja; and Airport Road, AMAC, Abuja.

The embassy expressed hopes that the schools will have better conditions.

This year’s event which held at the Ambassador’s residence in 19, Katsina Ala Crescent, Maitama, Abuja, showcased special ‘Batik Fashion Show’ which is called Batik Sengenge, designed by Mrs. Hani from Surakarta, Central Java Province.

The bazaar, which was opened to the public, offered the visitors a taste of the cultural products of Indonesia being the traditional cuisines such as Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay). Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice), Nasi Padang (Padang Food), Bakso (Meatball Soup), as well as some signature of Indonesian souvenirs like necklace and brosses.

During the event, performances such as Tari Tanduk Majeng, Manuk Dadali and Line Dance called ‘Entah Apa yang Merasukimu’ were also showcased.

The Bazaar which started at 10.00 am and finished at 16.00 pm, had a large turnout of visitors, numbering approximately 500 people.

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