Maryam Aminu

A safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment is the foundation of human life. But today, because of human action the crises of climate change are directly and severely impacting our lives and environment negatively.

This statement was made by the Conservator General, Ibrahim Goni at the press conference held on to grieve on illegal logging across the country

“Reports have shown that some Nigerians still engage in while others encourage serious illegal logging which causes deforestation across the country.
The service frowns at these immoral activities and warns that the long arms of the law will soon catch up with the perpetrators”. Goni added.

He noted that ignorance among Nigerians is one of the key factors militating against efforts to fight this environmental disaster.

‘Nigeria and Nigerians will be the victims of the activities of these illegal loggers if they continue unchecked’,he added

Forests have a big influence on rainfall patterns, water and soil quality and flood prevention too. Millions of people and animals rely directly on forests for their livelihood.Why destroy what we rely on? He asked

Forest loss and damage is the cause of around 10% of global warming. There’s simply no way we can fight the climate crisis if we don’t stop deforestation.

The service is fighting hard to stop forest destruction, our environmental campaigns together with other stakeholders are starting to pay off, but there is still a lot more to do. And, gentlemen of the press, we urgently need your help.

Goni suggested the need to constantly educate and sensitise our people on the imminent dangers we face if we don’t stop the constant deforestation as effects of climate change know no boundaries, know no poor or rich, although the poor are likely to be affected the most.

Goni further stated that
“The service will arrest and prosecute anyone found involved in illegal logging in any of our national parks as such people who know these illegal loggers and their buyers should report them to the appropriate authorities because the evil they are covering will consume us all, if not nipped in the bud”.

We re-echo our commitment to building a climate resilient environment across our parks and the country at large,our office is open to collaboration and ideas and will continue to work on letting our people know the danger we face.

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