What are you doing about Success?

Mike Ihezuo
Success is a learnable art. That’s  a good news! Good news because i didn’t say it’s inborn (follow-come)? Yes!
Your father can be a failure, and you become a success. Your father can be successful, and you become a failure. Why? In either case, one learns and another doesn’t. He can succeed, you succeed too. It’s not coincidence or luck, it’s investment on knowledge – learning. He can also fail, and you fail too. This is rampant – not breaking generational jinx of failures.
Because success is a learnable skill, it’s acquirable at anytime you’re ready. How long you will enjoy it is another ballgame. Children succeed, adults fail, and vice versa. Both can succeed or fail. it’s a choice matter.
You can learn how to succeed in everything you want.
Want to be a great player (C Ronaldo)? – you learn it.
Want to be a great golfer (Tiger Wood)? – you learn it.
Want to be a great academics (Soyinka)? – you learn it.
Want to be a great speaker (Mike Ihezuo)? – you learn it.
Want to be a great richman (Bill Gate)? – you learn it.
Every master of any art WAS once a disaster. You didn’t hear me! Do you? WAS…!
No one WAS a financial giant.
No one WAS a money magnet.
No one WAS a successful man
Many ARE giants, magnets and successful TODAY.
It’s a learnt art. As a matter of fact, FAILURE IS MORE OR LESS A REFUSAL TO LEARN.
So, what are you doing about this?
It’s doesn’t matter whether you’re starting from [scratch (primer), aspiring or enhancing], what matters is willingness to learn.
As Mike Ihezuo of Mike Ihezuo Speaks travels from place to place to help CEOs,  organizations and individuals succeed, why not arrange or tell your organization to bring him to speak to your people. He’s a Maestro, Sage, Deep, and Revolutionary, better heard LIVE than advertised.
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