Leadership is a Call

Mike Ihezuo


People are depending on you to lead. Will you answer the call to guide them? Leadership is a CALL. Don’t mind the way politicians balkanized it, making it carry-go, carry-n-go and go-carry. Certain politicians and managers have reduce the call to leadership to merchandizing, thereby making leadership assignment dirty. Just mentioning it now: Leadership is an Assignment. If you’re call to lead and you’re not leading, you’re derailing and wasting others destinies. But leadership starts somewhere…

If you’re ready, the first person you’ve got to lead is you. I mean you, you yourself. No one else can do this for you. Only you can lead yourself to the kind of growth that keeps you going and helps you achieve your greatest goals. You can lead you well to the extent you develop your CAPACITIES … and you do it on and on.

Can you start developing the leader in you right now?
You’re not born a leader by your mother, you develop the leader you discovered someday in you.

Start now. Call and
Ask for my book: Equipping Leaders To Lead.

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