by Mike O Ihezuo
1. Google’s CEO is Indian
2. Nokia’s CEO is Indian
3. Adobe’s CEO is Indian
4. Amazon’s BOD is Indian
5. MasterCard’s CEO is Indian
6. Microsoft’s CEO is Indian
7. PepsiCo’s CEO was an Indian
Nasa had 58% percent of their employees as Indians
Pakistan’s income through IT is approximately $1 billion/year while India earns approximately $142 billion/year
The country which is more advanced in technology will win the future,just like the British which conquered the subcontinent, just because it was technologically advanced.
In next few years, India will be World’s IT hub. They are attracting inventors.

In Nigeria, We are teaching our children obsolete,  out-dated courses and curriculum. No banker does any work without computer, yet Nigerian students of Banking & Finance graduate without seeing computers. Their lecturers have not seen any. That’s why they’d finish and choose to go and open boutiques. Why? They cant imagine themselves fitting into what is happening in banking hall. Why cant laptop be made compulsory for university and polytechnic students?why cant we sack  lecturers who don’t have laptops and smartphones?

What Has Helped India?
One thing. A simple one: CULTURE OF HARD-WORK.
Ours is culture of laziness. WE AS A PEOPLE LIKE LIES, AND HATE TRUTH.
We also like sycophancy and flattery, empty praise singing.
Build one 1 inch thick road to the people with their money as a governor, they dance for you and celebrate you. 4 months later 1 inch road dissolves.
Built one school as governor, they make you the FIELD MARSHALL of education, icon of education, best performing Governor. Then the governor will return and owe the teachers 12 months salary. No one will get the gut to ask the General of education, why?
The governor knows that the people are stupid and cowards.
The only advance group I see in Nigeria are politicians. They are on top of their game.
Imagine the books for the courses we are offering in our colleges & universities today, that were written before our birth,and are constantly becoming useless.
What should we do?
I want to see our nation Nigeria where our news channels will telecast programs on IT revolution and educational competitions, rather than Celebrities, sex, irrelevant issues.
We cannot continue as a nation to love money more than Ideas and Innovation.
(Mike is Capacity Building Consultant)

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