Mike Ihezue

1. People don’t LISTEN to a speaker, they’re only pretend to, waiting for him/her to finish speaking so that they’ll ask the Speaker their stored questions.

2. People don’t READ in between lines in write-ups or books or articles. They only read the headline, few of the time flip over, and start REJOINING with what they THINK that is already stored long in their heads.

3. If you give 100 people same book or article even WhatsApp write-up to read, research statistics has shown that;
a. 50% (half) just OPEN it, not reading ooo.

b. 10% Read upto 4-5 chapters or sections depending on the organization of the material.

c. 2% read cover to cover ie end to end (just tried, but not enough).

d. 0.5 (1 in 200, if 100, it means none or 1) takes JUST NOTES. Getting interesting.

e. 0.1% (ie 1 in 1000) take DETAIL NOTES. Place to be.

It’s this 0.1% (ie to say 1 in every 1000) that get the real full juice of every intelligent write-up.

Others make mockery of it after all, they flip over the pages of the book/article.

These OTHERS get the certifications that they’ve read it. Yeah, they did, but they didn’t know it, they didn’t studied it, they didn’t experience it.

It is this 1/1000 that is transformed, that gained from the message and wisdom of the Writer.


*Who are these 1 in a 1000?*

a. They’re the accomplish lawyers, doctors, engineers that their colleagues want to kill/waste because;

i. they win all cases – FG, SG, LG and who’s who get them to defend them because they know, eat and talk the law. Others are called to bar, they’re called to LAW. Level no equal!!!

ii. they’re doctors who treat hopeless sicknesses their colleagues wrote off. They’re being branded to use “means”. Hmmmmm.

III. they’re engineers who know theory and practical, not only theory. They repair engines condemned and do “magic” out of them.

b. they’re accomplish pastors who DARE / CHALLENGE themselves to believe God when others are compromising, reading newspaper and going to government houses, instead of studying, MAKING DETAIL NOTES from GOD Leadership and GOD of Bible. Their colleagues want to kill them and brandish them with negative words too unprintable.
c. they’re accomplish ENTERTAINERS, actors, musicians, artists. They colleagues call them prostitutes especially if they’re women, criminals, drug dealers, if men.

e. Brother-Man, that’s the way satan configured here.

Adults really don’t change much. My discovery as a consultant and Speaker is upto 10% do, 90+% don’t..

People continue with perspectives and viewpoints they’ve about lives and things right from their FORMATIVE years of adolescents.

The position we hold or comments we make on write-ups are;

A. 90%+ viewpoints we held since our teenage age in tertiary or secondary/primary schools with
B. less than 10% of opinion formed as successful careerists & Business moguls or strugglers and the Content of write-up we are responding to.

So, we don’t really change much, as we hype it.

But it will be good if we learn to change.

Growth–>Meaningful Life.
It makes us mature and not to castigate.

God bless us.

Always, quintessential,

Leader Mike.
© October 31, 2021

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