MEET PERCY MORAPEDI KOJI: Commited, Passionate To Uplifting the Youth And Community

Foreign Desk

Percy Morapedi Koji, Africa Economic Leadership Council’s (AELC’s) co-founder and vice-president, is an astute South African businessman. He has more than 15 years’ experience in the tourism industry. While his education and professional accolades are quite extensive, Percy has also shown his commitment and passion for uplifting the community and youth. His commitment to this cause speaks for itself as he is also the Founder of an NGO (Friends of Morokweng) who’s focus it is to develop young leaders across society. He has supported over 10 000 school going children since the inception of the NGO. University students have also benefitted through funding and exchange programs around the world.

His 10 years public service experience, Public Administration qualification from Howard University, USA and his Intercultural Communications, Gender and Globalisation at Fulda University of Applied Sciences in Germany attained on scholarship from the European Union (EU) perfectly positions him to lead AELC. The organization seeks to maximize on opportunities to grow their respective businesses while simultaneously contributing to a flourishing African economy.

Eight years of political experience in South Africa working for government as Political Advisor, Ward Committee Member, and Shadow Member of the Mayoral Committee is an added benefit to Koji’s impressive career.

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According to Koji this is still the beginning stages as he is an inspiration to youth, particularly upcoming and aspiring entrepreneurs. He has worked tirelessly and diligently over the past 17 years to establish his company Travel With Confidence (TWC). He draws his inspiration from the community to build sustainable businesses with a global client base which has allowed him to venture into other sectors including investment and trade promotion, property, security, energy, mining and wine making at a vineyard he has acquired.

Koji, who is also CEO of STEA (Small Tourism Enterprise Association) hails from Taung in a small town in the North West province in South Africa where the fossilised skull of a young Australopithecus africanus or as it is referred to as the Taung Child was discovered in 1924. The fossil is considered as the most important anthropological find of the twentieth century.

(Diplomatic Society)

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