AGEING: NSCC, UNFPA Hold 2- Day Training for Desk Officers From 32 MDAs

“The training program is to ensure that older persons have the same rights and opportunities.” – Dr Omokaro.

Oru Leonard

The The National Senior Citizens Centre, (NSCC) and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), is holding the 2-Day training program which ends today for Desk Officers from 32 MDAs as well as officers from House Commitee on Disabilities and Commitee on Women and Social Development.

The training which is themed, “Ageing Policy: Planning and Implementation Aspects of Relevant MDAs’ Statutory Mandates”, will deal on issues if
Ageing Policy, Planning and implementation aspects of MDAs’ Mandates.

In her opening remarks, the NSCC Boss said that with the desk offices, NSCC can strengthen partnerships with the various MDAs, where they already exist and leverage on the enhanced understanding of ageing and issues of older persons to evolve more effective partnerships and collaborations on mainstreaming ageing into specific programs and services.

“Today NSCC holds a 2-Day workshop for Desk Officers from 32 MDAs as well as officers from the House Committee on Disabilities and Committee on Women and Social Development.

“This is the final step in NSCC’s establishment of Ageing Desks in 32 MDAs to accelerate and effectively include older persons in strategic plans, programs, activities, budget lines, as well as monitoring and evaluation frameworks of MDAs. The initiative commenced with the mapping of MDAs with intersecting statutory mandates, high level courtesy and advocacy visits by DG NSCC and request for structured partnerships and nomination of middle level officers to undergo training

“The objectives of training officers and setting Ageing Desks include; to enhance knowledge of population Ageing; to stem stereotypes and institutional discrimination against older people; and to enhance appreciation of the rights of older persons to inclusion in development agenda.

NSCC DG, Dr Omokaro with Some Guests and Participants in a group photogragh

“The training is expected to increase understanding of Ageing and older persons aspects of MDA’s substantive mandates and where these issues intersect with NSCC’S mandate. There are 32 MDAs and 60 desk officers, all but 2 appointed 2 desk officers each on Ageing and Senior citizens’ matter who will Liaise with NSCC”, she said.

Also speaking, the Country Representative, UNFPA, Ms. Ulla Elisabeth Mueller, who was represented by Mr. Telson Ojoguu, said the population of NIgeria ageing can no longer be ignored as the persons in the older bracket has increased due to better health care and other factors. UNFPA commended NSCC and the Federal Government of NIgeria for committing to programs in the issues of older persons in the country.

“Partnerships are of course the best method to achieve unity in diversity. They provide the platform for cross sectoral initiatives to solve genuine and pressing concerns such as those related to Ageing.

“I want to emphasize UNFPA’s commitment and participation in ensuring old people’s continued inclusion in the society as well as in the development and implementation of policies that directly influence their wellbeing integrated into the society”, she said.

L-R: Telson Ojoguu of UNFPA and Alhaji Musa Bungudu, Special Adviser to the President on Humanitarian Affairs

The Special Adviser to the President on Humanitarian Affairs, Alhaji Musa Bugudu who noted that NSCC is embarking on a historical venture by bringing thirty- two MDAs sitting in one hall to discuss Ageing, commended UNFPA and other partnering to establish the a healthy elderly class in Nigeria.

He urged each representative of the MDAs to identify what he/ she can do to improve the condition of the older person.

Omini Oden, Head, Corporate Affairs, Media and Communication moderating

About the training

The training is in Ageing Policy, Planning and implementation aspects of MDAs’ Mandates.

This is the final step in NSCC’s establishment of Ageing Desks in 32 MDAs to accelerate and effectively include older persons in strategic plans, programs ,activities, budget lines, as well as monitoring and evaluation frameworks of MDAs.

The initiative commenced with the mapping of MDAs with intersecting statutory mandates, high level courtesy and advocacy visits by the DG of NSCC, Dr Emem Omokaro and request for structured partnerships and nomination of middle level officers to undergo training.

The objectives of training officers and setting Ageing Desks include;
*to enhance knowledge of population Ageing
*to stem stereotypes and. Institutional discrimination against older people
*to enhance appreciation of the rights of older persons to inclusion in development agendas.

The training is expected to increase understanding of Ageing and older persons aspects MDA’s substantive mandates and where these issues, intersect with NSCC’S mandate.

There are 32 MDAs and 60 desk officers in all but 2 appointed 2 desk officers each on Ageing and Senior citizens matters who will liaise with the National Senior Citizens Centre

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