Adebayo pays tribute to Late Dan Suleiman

Emmanuel Alfred

The Presidential Candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Prince Adewole Adebayo has paid glowing tributes to the late Air Commodore Dan Suleiman, describing him as a man who not only defended the nation while alive but also fought against its adversaries right up till the moment of his death.

Describing him as “an astute leader”, Prince Adebayo said Suleiman served the country meritoriously, only to be forced into an exile for opposing subsequent military dictatorships.

The Presidential Hopeful added that the late Suleiman depicted a God fearing, committed and dedicated leader who was intellectually inquisitive and most times compassionate, indefatigable, hospitable, well-meaning, resourceful,egalitarian, charismatic, detribalised, conscientious and philanthropic to a fault.

In a tribute he personally signed and titled “DAN SULEIMAN: TRIBUTE TO THE GENERAL WHO FOUGHT TILL HIS LAST DAYS” read…

“It is evident that our culture continues to adhere to the unhealthy custom of concealing all the excellent deeds, actions, and omissions until after the main character has died.

“This is undoubtedly true of the late Air Commodore Dan Suleiman, a man who not only defended the nation while he was alive but also fought against its adversaries right up until the moment of his death.

“Late Suleiman was a man of destiny, having traversed many pedestals of human challenges and terrains. He was a committed and unrepentant Nationalist who believed in the unity of our dear country. As a military officer, he was arguably the best fighter pilot the country has ever produced.

“He fought to preserve the unity of the country during the civil war and up until his passing, he directed his daily activities toward fostering that unity. An astute leader who served the country meritoriously, only to be forced into an exile for opposing subsequent military dictatorships.

“The climax and eloquent testimony to Dan Suleiman’s singular and enduring contributions to the development of Nigeria’s democracy was the roles he played as one of the founding fathers of SDP and NADECO leader.

“He was a great democrat who fought and defended our democracy with everything he had. We at the Social Democratic Party (SDP) are proud to associate with him as one of our founding fathers. His selfless services are worthy of emulation and we are proud to be associated with his efforts.

“All by a dint of hard work, devotion, vision and perseverance, the great Commodore successfully transmogrified from a military leader into an unrepentant democrat cum quintessential political leader.

“As the Social Democratic Party’s flagbearer, I have made the personal decision to pick up the baton left by Dan Suleiman.

“It is now our duty to make sure that Air Commodore Dan Suleiman’s efforts to strengthen Nigeria’s unity for sustainable development, revive our economy and combat insecurity, usher in 24-hour electricity across the nation, restore confidence in government through transparent governance and equity, and provide free and high-quality education were not in vain.”

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