WMD 2023: We must catch them young- Prof Matazu

Oru Leonard 

The Director General of NiMet, Professor Mansur Matazu has said that early involvement of adolescents and youths in meteorology is key to the investment into future and data generation.

Professor Mansur Bako Matazu who was represented by the Director, Research and Training NiMet Prof. Effiom Oku, disclosed this in his keynote address on the occasion marking this year’s celebration in Abuja on Thursday with this year’s theme, “The future of weather, climate and water across generations,”

The DG said the agency, through the help of the Federal Government has invested in Meteorological data generation which are critical for past assessments and future predictions.

He disclosed that most of the weather observers working with the agency are largely youths who began their careers in the field of meteorology at a very young age, adding that it has led to the design and implementation of a catch them young programme called Young Meteorological Ambassadors.

“The Nigeria Meteorological Agency, therefore, on this day, Thursday March 23, 2023, joined the rest of the World in celebrating the 2023 World Meteorology Day. The National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), around the World have continued to monitor through observation (Air, Land and Water) the weather and climate, providing evidence of the changing climate and leading actions through prediction towards adaptation, mitigation and creation of resilient societies.

“Researchers including the Academia around the globe continuously monitor the ocean, the land and the atmosphere; modeling how they are changing, to deliver services that will support weather and climate predictions for Safety of Life over land, in the atmosphere and at Sea. Both observation and forecasting continue to improve with increasing technology and highly skilled personnel.

“ However, the warming trend and anthropogenic activities of humans towards GHG concentrations have continued the upward surge. Therefore, while we work tirelessly to improve on our activities, we must not forget to prepare the future generation for the task ahead.

“The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), over the years, with support from the Federal Government of Nigeria has been investing in meteorological data generation over land, water and in the atmosphere. The data generated are so critical for past assessments and future predictions including newzcasting.

“In NiMet, we have placed special importance in the future generations by working with the young minds in the country. Usually, our weather observers are largely youths who begin their careers in the field of meteorology at a very young age. Similarly, we have designed, developed and implemented a programme called Young Meteorological Ambassadors whose members are here today, Matazu stated

He further said the World Meteorological Day therefore, offers opportunity for member countries to converge ideas and resources; and align in one common thematic area.

“The ‘Day’ showcases the essential contribution of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHss) such as NiMet and NIHSA (Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency) to the safety and wellbeing of society and is celebrated with activities around the world”, he concluded.

Photo Credit: NiMet

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