Mike Ihezuo
Leadership development is a serious development in leadership. The fact is that people cannot give what they don’t have. People cannot deliver what is not inside-of or installed-in them. Period. More or less, we receive and pass across as conduit; none gives a vacuo. Same apply to things. Nothing OUTPUTs with out an INPUT.
Effective leadership capacity are developed by systematic learning of HOW TO LEAD.
No adult who has not been DRILLED, TUTORED on How To Govern cum Lead can govern or lead effectively, impactful or gainfully.
Learning to lead can be FORMAL or INFORMAL. You learn leadership informally by close watch, understudying closely a thoroughbred leader, by association or by mentorship.
My nephew started moving car at age 11 by observing his father press break, change gear, release brake and press throttle gently, while sitting beside him. His father was waiting when he will be 18+. He had NO FORMAL driving capacity development. He had INFORMAL one. Today, 25years ago, unarguably, he is a good driver BUT not at a small cost – many hits, smashing car. Why? Cost of Informal Training – Learning by Trial ‘n’ Error. Nobody told my nephew in detailed why those sequence should be followed and principle behind the actions.
Same goes to when people lead/govern without Leadership Capacity Development in a FORMAL way. Across the states, new governments have emerged. The cliché is CARRY GO. How many governors or CEs will consider it worthy training their appointees, elected and promoted political officials on HOW TO LEAD, etc? These official: legislators, commissioners, cabinet, SAs, PAs, SSAs, SPAs, DGs, Perm Secs, Ministers even the CEOs most of the times may not have been exposed to responsible organized or structured leadership. They could have emerged because they delivered their wards, LG or constituency (you know what I mean), SO HAVE NOT UNDERSTAND Principle of Leading.
This makes a FORMAL capacity development for new leaders a SINE QUA NON, a MUST. Without teaching/equipping one formally, what one is doing makes him/her a QUARK in that field
Help any governor/CEO to get his team developed, else they will spend 4 years learning instead of working. Mike Ihezuo LeadershipXcellence & Mike Ihezuo LeadershipRoundTable can help you. Link us up with you, the Governors and CEs. Inbox/email me.

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