How to check expiry date of LPG cylinder

Oru Leonard 

Liquefied Petroleum Gas comes with an expiry date, find out how to check it
(Avoid Leakage or Possible explosion at your home (many already died because of this mistake)
Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder is an essential component of our kitchen, and almost every home owns it. Available easily in the market, the LPG cylinder can be used further by refuelling, but that is not the case always. The LPG we use in our homes comes with an expiry date and many are certainly unaware of it.
Using LPG cylinder post its expiry date can result in leakage that can also lead to an explosion. Once the cylinder is past the expiry date, one must stop using it. But most people have no idea how to check the expiry of the bottle. The steps to check the expiry are very simple and basic.
Here is how to verify the expiry date of the LPG cylinder-
The expiry of LPG Cylinder can be found on one of the metal strips that connect the body of the cylinder to top ring (handle). It is mentioned on the inner side of the strip. The strip has any of the alphabets from A to D painted on it along with a number. Decoding the expiry date is simple. The alphabet represents the month of expiry while the number indicates the year of expiry. A year is divided into four quarters –

<span;>* A – January to March</span;>

<span;>* B – April to June</span;>

<span;>* C – July to September</span;>

<span;>* D – October to December</span;>

For example, this cylinder has ‘B 13′ painted on the metal strip. The alphabet B represents month June , and 13 indicates the year 2013. So a cylinder having B 13 mentioned on it means it will or already expire on June 2013. However, there is a limited grace period of three to four months after the expiry as the cylinder cannot be pulled out immediately out of the circulation. There have been reports that distributors tamper with the expiry date as it is written with paint. So next time you receive a cylinder do check the expiry date and stay safe..

Source:: Security Monitor.

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