Governor Bassey Otu Constitutes Pre-Cocoa Allocation Committee

Oru Leonard 

Governor Bassey Edet Otu has approved the composition of the membership of the Pre-Cocoa Allocation Committee with immediate effect.

According to the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr Emmanuel Ogbeche,  rhe Committee has as its Terms of Reference:

i. To determine the total hectrage of acquired cocoa plots;

ii. To determine the total hectrage planted;

iii. To determine the total number of hectrage that are viable;

iv. To determine the total hectrage that are non-viable

v. To determine the total hectrage that have been encroached;

vi. To ascertain the total scope of new farms over the past 4 (four) years.

vii. To determine the total indebtedness to landlord communities.

Similarly, the Governor has approved the membership of the Committee as follows:

1. Dr. Assam Assam – Chairman

2. Mr. Collins Atu Ogar – Member

3. Mr. Mbek Tangban – Member

4. Mr. Augustine Ayuk – Member

5. Mr. Ebuta Akor Member

6. Mr. Anari Emeng Anari – Member

7. Manager, Ikom Cocoa Estate – Member

8. Manager, Abia/Bendeghe Cocoa Estate – Member

9. Manager, Abonita Cocoa Estate – Member

10. Manager, Cross River Forest Estate – Member

11. Barr. Daniel Mgbe – Secretary

The Committee is expected to submit its report on or by July 30th, 2023.

he Governor urged the members to serve with diligence and the best interest of the state.


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