In 1983, long before the advent of social media, Mike Ejeagha released a song in his popular folklore storytelling style titled “Ka esi le onye isi oche”, which told the story of how the elephant was tricked by the tortoise and used as a gift towards the marriage of the princess and tortoise.

In 2024 and 41 years later, Brainjotter, the popular skitmaker used a part of the chorus ending in “gwo gwo gwo m” for his funny dance steps. Many people have recreated his dance steps using the soundtrack and made the song more popular on social media.

If you have ever wondered if your craft can influence generations, do not lose hope and continue creating. Pa Mike is 94 years old this year, and people from different ages are using his sound across many platforms.

Your time may never come, and that is true, but how will you know unless you try? And long after you’ve stopped trying, someone can pick your work and give it renewed attention.

You may be gone by then, but as Mama Peace said years ago, your manhood will remain with us.

Keep creating.


Credit: Martin Beck Nworah on Facebook

About Mike Ejeagha

Ejeagha is a renowned Igbo folklore musician born in 1930. He has over 37 Albums and five singles to his credit. His 1960 song “Ofu nwa anaa” shot him to fame.

Ejeagha brought glory to Ndi Igbo and kept the ancient ways of our ancestors alive through his folklore music. In Igbo land, due to his trademark of telling long stories in his music, you would be told “Akụkọ Mike Ejeagha” to a long story.

Credit: Igbo History & Facts on Facebook

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