DG NCMM LAMENTS IMPROPER FUNDING. …. Calls for establishments of National Unity Musuems

DG NCMM with members of CATEWA in a group photograph
Oru Leonard
The Director General/CEO, Prof. Abba Isa Tijani of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM), has called for proper funding of the Commission, noting that it will lead to the resuscitation of Nigeria’s museums, monuments and sites to compete with others around the world, create employment and as well boost the country’s economy.

The DG who stated this during when he received in audience, the Culture, Arts, Tourism and Entertainment Reporters Association (CATEWA), The Commission which he said is the largest in the culture sector, neither get the attention it deserves nor making impact as he it is supposed to, has led to the neglect of the museums, monuments and tourist sites in the country which is should preserve the culture and history of Nigeria and attract tourists that will add to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
He expressed his worry that presently Nigeria has about 52 museums, 65 monuments and sites, most of which are not in good condition due to gross underfunding of the NCMM —the National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM).

“Inadequate funding is the major problem facing the Commission, and prior to 2014, NCMM was receiving N60 million a month as overhead but with the coronavirus pandemic, it reduced to N7 million.
“Visiting one of Nigeria’s many museums is the best way for foreigners and even citizens to really understand the country’s rich heritage and cultural traditions, however, available statistics indicates that the capital budget for the Commission regulating these historic places is under N500 million, and one would wonder how the Commission is expected to properly carry out its functions”, he lamented
He disclosed that NCMM has written for another 160 monuments for the president’s approval and two world heritage sites as the country is endowed with cultural heritage. “We have so much that we don’t have enough outlets to display and enable our people to identify with them”, he added.
He therefore called for upgrading of the facilities and for national unity meseuems.
“We need to have more than one national museum but we don’t even have one. People should know that we are really underfunded and have a long way to go in establishing a relationship with our communities”, he urged.