Consultation (Part 1)

Mike Ihezuo
How often do you consult?
As individual?
As body corporate?
Many don’t consult. Why?
They feel reduced telling people their challenges. A whole me! How will they know I have this challenge?
But remember,
+ That program, strategy or event wouldn’t have failed woefully if due consultation was made.
+ That relationship or marriage going irreparable, already collapsed or soured wouldn’t have reached this point if due consultation was made.
+ That course of study or endeavour wouldn’t have been embarked on if that candidate or person duly consulted before feeling form, accepting admission or embarking on any action.
+ That job offer or contract wouldn’t have been accepted if adequate consultation was made.
At job offer point, no matter how desperate you’re, you still would have consulted with you and those who know what it entails for their input. Give no room to desperation.
+ You wouldn’t have accepted that flat apartment, property, estate, bungalow, etc., if you have consulted the tenants before you or prospective neighbours.
Landlord/sellers cannot tell you anything that is wrong with their products or against his interest/gain. It’s natural.
+ That adverse medical condition or infection would have been averted if only you have consulted appropriately perhaps by way of asking the partner his/her status, going to lab or seeking the closest medical protection perhaps vaccine or such.
A lot of lives, money, image or reputations, future or destinies are damaged because people seldom consult.
*Way Out?*.
See you in Part 2.

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