World SDGs Organisation Appoints Sheikh Muhammad Nuru Khalid to Religious Board

Maryam Aminu

The World Sustainable Development Goals Organisation has appointed Sheikh Muhammad Nuru Khalid as a member of its religious board.

The appointment, announced yesterday, places Khalid in a pivotal role aimed at bridging religious perspectives with the global mission to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In his response to the appointment, Sheikh Khalid remarked that the role is more of a challenge than an honour, as it compels him to increase his efforts in promoting awareness and action towards the SDGs.

He emphasized the importance of enlightening the public about these goals and encouraging them to demand good governance that aligns with the principles of sustainable development.

Sheikh Khalid highlighted the universal nature of the UN’s goals, noting that they transcend religious boundaries and impact everyone regardless of their faith.

He also expressed his commitment to offering religious guidance to the organisation, ensuring that their initiatives are in harmony with ethical and humanitarian principles.

“I am an advocate for humanity, working for the betterment of all human beings, not for any specific entity or religion,” Sheikh Khalid stated, reaffirming his dedication to the global cause of sustainable development.

The Country Representative, Engr. Kolawole Adenikan expressed that the appointment is expected to enhance the organisation’s efforts in integrating religious insights into their strategies for achieving the SDGs, ultimately fostering a more inclusive approach to addressing global challenges.

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