Technical Review Workshop on INEC E-SCHOOL and Mgt of Training for 2023 General and Off- Cycle Elections

Oru Leonard

The Electoral Institute (TEI) in collaboration with IFES organized a 3 day workshop at Tahir Guest Palace Hotel, Kano on 4th – 6th March, 2024.

The objective of the Workshop is that at the end of the Training, participants are expected to highlight the challenges encountered in the Management of Training in preparation of the 2023 General Elections as well as the 2023 Bayelsa, Kogi and Imo Governorship off-cycle Elections with a view to defining the challenges; determining the cause of these challenges; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing the solutions at the forthcoming 2024 Off – Cycle Governorship Elections in EDO and ONDO States scheduled to hold in September and November, 2024, respectively.

The Workshop was declared open by Chairman, Board of Electoral Institute (BEI) Prof. Abdullahi Abdu Zuru. In his opening remarks the Chair, BEI underscored the importance of the Workshop. He stated that it was imperative to understand the underlying issues which impacts on the Management of Training in the preparation for the 2023 General Elections and the 2023 Off-cycle Governorship Elections. He further stated the need to access the role and impact of the INEC e-school on the Training of Adhoc staff for the successful conduct of Elections.

The Director General, TEI Dr. Sa’ad Umar Idris in his welcome address emphasized the need for participants to acquire the expertise needed to effectively manage the INEC e- school and also interrogate issues arising from the management of training for the 2023 General Elections and off cycle Elections.

Goodwill messages were delivered by dignitaries present including the Resident Electoral Commission Kano, Ambassador Abdullahi Zango, The Country Director, IFES, Mr. Seray Jah represented by Simon Fanto.
In attendance at the workshop include the Director Training, Director, Research and Documentation, Director- in- Training, Mr. ifeanyi Agoha who took the participants through on the Overview of the Agenda, Objectives and Expectations of the Workhop. Others present at the Workshop include Directing staff of the Institute, TEI Trainers and selected State Training Officers.
Highlights of the Workshop:


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