Seven food items you should never refrigerate

There are certain foods you shouldn’t store in the fridge.

When the refrigerator technology came along, it swept many by the wave because of its efficiency. For once we don’t have to deal with spoilt foods and we can easily store our leftovers for future consumption.

Other than all the benefits of having a fridge there are certain things that you need to know, such as foods that you shouldn’t keep in the fridge.

Here are some foods that you should avoid putting in the fridge


In the case that you have a lot of potatoes, storing them without the right knowledge can lead to spoilage. When you store potatoes in the fridge, their starch converts to sugars. You’ll lose out on the flavor too.
Store them in a cool, dry and dark place with the soil on them.


Onions are flavorful and have an extremely strong smell. Refrigerating such will make them soak in water and lose all their flavor off. Their color will also get changed.
Store them in a way similar to the potatoes, but ensure you don’t store them together. They diffuse smells to each other.


These sweet, water filled fruits are big and lovable. Perfect for the hot weather, when you have a whole melon keeping in the fridge is not recommended.
Refrigeration speeds up the ripening process, and consequently the rotting process, which could make your sweet and big fruit go bad sooner.

Know what to keep in the fridge so as to get the full benefits of your foods.


This dark gold which makes an amazing caffeine- filled beverage should never be in your fridge.
Coffee needs air circulation and dry air to breathe and remain fresh. The cool temperature of the fridge only makes the coffee stale.


This potassium super food needs to be stored in temperatures that are cool. Eating a cold banana can even get your mouth on a freeze burn. The banana peel offers fresh storage enough for this fruit.


Did you know that you can keep honey in an airtight container for many years without it spoiling? Storing honey should be done in a cool dry place in the airtight jar.


These vegetable with screaming orange or yellow flesh makes delicious meals or soup additions.

They are meant to be left in a dry area after harvesting as they don’t go bad unless you cut them and fail to use them soon.

Know what to keep in your fridge so as to get the full benefits of eating foods that aren’t spoilt.


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