Scientific Conference on Tuberculosis  (TB) holds In Nigeria

Nigeria will host a 2-day conference of experts and stakeholders working on Tuberculosis control around the world at Abuja.
The National TB Conference with the theme, ‘’Building Stronger Partnerships to end TB in Nigeria’’ is expected to stimulate collaborations and showcase the latest home grown TB research and innovations.
The scientific conference will also leverage on the success of its 2016 gathering-the last Nigeria has conveyed- to bring together key actors in TB control in Nigeria and across the globe for deliberation on topical issues, foster and harness other stakeholders and institutional collaboration.
In his speech at a pre-conference briefing with journalist on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, the Chairman, Stop Tuberculosis Partnership, Nigeria, who is also the Chairman,  Zankli Medical Centre, Professor Lovett Lawson noted that to avoid a country with tuberculosis, there is a need to campaign and place effective method in combating TB.
“Tuberculosis is an airborne disease that affects all categories of people globally, regardless of economic status. As we all know, we are all connected by the air we breathe and this disease has no respect for age, sex, ethnicity, faith or race.” Lovett said.
According to Prof. Lawal Umar – Chair, Scientific Committee, National TB Conference 2019, who also spoke at press briefing,  “the conference will Provide platform to foster the designing of evidence based policies for improved TB control in Nigeria.”
“Beyond the scientific presentations that will be made, we want to create awareness and promote best practices in TB programming in Nigeria, we want more Nigerians to be aware of TB and are able to make use of available services for testing and treatment” Prof. Umar said.
In his remark, The Deputy Director, National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme, Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Ozi, said that the Nigerian government is optimistic that the two days conference will make a lot of difference in the TB control Programme in Nigeria as we harness all the experience of participants in Nigeria, Africa and globally.
“National Tuberculosis Conference is an opportunity to bring together think tanks in the TB world globally in our door step here in Nigeria to rub minds together and exhibit laudable innovations and new technologies and discoveries in the World of Tuberculosis. It is a way to share ideas from researches that have been conducted through symposiums and presentations of research works that have been piloted and implemented and have been proven to be very effective”, Dr. Ozi, concluded.
Tuberculosis is presently a major health problem with 8-10 million new cases diagnosed yearly, which translated to 1/3 of the world population with about 95% cases in developing countries. 1.6 million TB patients die each year which is compounded by the fast spread of HIV/AIDs and poor socio-economic status.
The conference is expected to hold on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th July, 2019, at Abuja.

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