Re: More than 60% Cross River Secondary Schoolgirls are not virgins

Our attention has been drawn to the post made by various media houses and mini blog companies such as Instablog on the 17th of March, 2021, it’s pertinent to note that the statement been attributed to Mr. Castro Exams SA to the Cross River State Governor is false as it was quoted out of context .

The SA which was invited by the management of FAD Fm to discuss a few issues as it relates to the educational sector in Cross River State in Particular and Nigeria in General emphasized the need for parents to rise up to their responsibility and take their role as parents seriously stating that the work of teachers is secondary to their roles. He then went on to disclose that a huge gap existed in communication between parents and their female children giving rise to moral decadence such as sexual immorality as parents who are expected to educate their children on the need to uphold high moral standards leave it to teachers who strive to do their best in educating the students but often times fail in breaching the gap as they have incomplete knowledge of the child’s behavioural and psychological history thereby giving rise to a lot of unwanted pregnancies among the female gender which translates to a high level of illiteracy as they are forced to stopped school so they could take care of their children and increase in crime rate among their male counterparts as many would see crime as a means to compensate for the negligence of their parents and guardians.

While recaping on his message he further revealed thus ” I was born and raised by a Mother and I hold sacred Womanhood. I am blessed with a female Child and my religion above all respect Women who are equal partners to the Men. I am currently handling a case of rape where a female Student was rapped.This among other troubling issues prompted me to raise alarm to Parents”

It is sad that instead of the bloggers to voluntarily join in the campaign against cultism and other social vices they would chose to quote the Special Adviser out of context.

Castro Ezema since his appointment as the SA to the Cross River state governor on Education has joined the Cross River State of Education to see that more children of school attendance age are encouraged to return back to school through discouraging child labour and street hawking in the state.


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