Obituary And The Affidavit Of Existence: Is LP Labouring In Vain?

Bolaji O. Akinyemi.

The sensationalism that Obi has become is growing in the political space by the day, but like a mighty tree without a compensating root system, danger looms in the day of storm!

Unfortunately, the storm is on but the ‘Obidient’ are too naive to see it. The elites involved in the Obidient movement are equally novice in the game of politics!

The narratives of ‘Obituary’ was first served to the public by Sam Omatseye, but the message was lost on the angry public! The nonsensical death wish in Sam Omatseye’s obituary couldn’t be made sense of by even very sensible Nigerians. The truth is, if nothing is done, quick and fast, the political rage called ‘Obidient’ may become just a thick, dark cloud without the expected rain!

Some of us have been keen observers of the man call BAT that we understand his unsaid words by his political jabs!

BAT is an oracle of sort, with priests in the media such as Omatseye to speak through, this oracle seldom speaks but when he does, it is in diabolical jabs thrown in the air for humans and demonic entities to enforce. This oracle threw the “o’ lule” jab in Abeokuta and capped it with “emi lokan”, the frenzy of “emi lokan” is a proof of sense demons could make out of nonsense on the human mind when they are undiscerning, with his jab another history was made out of Abeokuta.

Out in Osun, BAT mounted the campaign stage, when all eyes should be on Adeleke and the PDP.

BAT got on the rostrum to mind the Labour Party and not the PDP who were no threat at all to his nephew in the race. “Some persons said they are labour party, they will labour in vain!”

The most adept political strategist and communicator, the tactical master, spoke of his perfected plans concerning Labour party but Nobody heard him or they weren’t attentive enough! None was discerning of the assignment issued to demonic host over the nation.

Osun election has come and gone but the curse of Tinubu is playing out in Labour party in Lagos State via series of unending dramas!

The party is already held down, almost castrated by its internal intentions such that despite the potentials and preference by the public with several individual and people sponsored campaign initiatives on the social media and their thousand and million-man marches, the Obidients are still lost to the reality of an organized political structure!

With followers more than the people that have ever voted in Lagos since 1999 and several hundred thousands who are waiting patiently for their PVCs to be out in hope of performing their franchise obediently, we might as well be watching for the prophecy of Omatseye, the media priest of the oracle at Bourdillon; obituary of *Obiism* in Lagos State, because the hope of fielding a governorship candidate is in limbo!

The happenings in Lagos is a pointer to what the intentions of BAT is concerning Labour party at the center!

Kudos to Obi for his many consultations with Nigerians in diaspora and the revivalist he has become in our churches, but if those with the understanding of political technicalities are not allowed around Obi to advise and guide his decisions as far as LP is concerned, a beast may be lurking in the woods to devour this lamb of national salvation in whom many hearts doth trust!

Labour party is the structure upon which Obidients’ dreams of Obi’s presidency will be built!

A Labour party in disarray can’t support the fulfillment of that dream even if there are 15 million people waiting to vote in Lagos for Peter Obi!

A compromised party structure as home to millions of angry obidients, is nothing but a labour in vain!

Over the last weekend I asked Barrister Ayo Ademiluyi, a member of a faction of Labour party and the house of reps candidate for his faction, if they were ready for elections, he admitted that my question was rhetorical because the machinery through which success can be delivered is already castrated!

Labour party in Lagos, is a castrated male for which the public are busy in excitement searching for a bride!

The factions are not two or three, they are more!

The Court may become the campaign office of Peter Obi if he won’t sit and attend to the many crisis bedeviling his candidacy in a deliberately factionalized party!

The struggle and fight for now is to expose the assassins planted in the Labour party to kill its political potentials at such a time like this!

The undertakers whose feet are trodding the path to the grave for the obituary of *Obiism* must be stopped now!

In Luke 7:11-15, an interesting story of an unfortunate widow with an only son was told.

The son had died and was being carried to the burial ground. Obidient will do well to stop the biers and examine their only son, *Obiism* and ask the Lord for a political miracle!

All who shouted with joy at Dunamis should weep between the porch and the altar paradventure the only son they are left with for 2023 might be saved!

The crowd over which RCCG lost control during the congress should cry uncontrollably for redemption of *Obiism* till heaven will answer them!

Lawyers who attended the NBA conference should draw up a roaster of pro bono appearances in court to attend to the legal mines which the curse at Oshogbo might have planted in the way of *Obiism!*

In ideological approach with little or no sentiments lies the salvation of this country.

We will keep walking the political ideological path till the Eastern Sun rises at its full strength over the nation!

To be continued…

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