NSCC,UNFPA holds workshop to enhance desk officer’s on Ageing

Comfort Nkong

National Senior Citizens Center (NSCC), together with the United Nations population Fund (UNFPA), hold a 2 day workshop NSCC,UNFPA holds workshop on Tuesday to enhance desk officer’s operations on the implementation of NSCC Strategic Roadmap on Ageing 2022-2023 and National plans of action on ageing in Nigeria project activities 2022-2025.

The Director General NSCC Dr Emem Omokaroon her address says that the objective of the 2 day workshop for desk officer’s was to increase the understanding of Ageing desk officer’s in all relevant MDAS on their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of NSCC Strategic Roadmap and to develop Desk officer’s engagement framework towards increasing feedback and Desk officer’s effectiveness.

The Honourable minister for humanitarian Affairs represented by the special adviser to the president on humanitarian Affairs Alhaji Musa Bungudu in his remark thanks the DG Dr Emem Omokaro for her excellent performance. He said that the support for the elderly should go on and that the Ministry should make sure the strategic work plan is being implemented, adding coming together and working together will be the best.

He noted that participants should count themselves lucky and not take it for granted. He also describe NSCC as the fastest growing agency and called on the incoming administration to prioritize issues of ageism to consolidate on the progress made so far.

The workshop had Desk Officers from 40 MDAs in attendance as well as officers from three House Committee on Disabilities, Poverty Alleviation and Committee on Women and Social Development. The onsite workshop/training is also on the implementation of strategic RoadMap on Ageing and project activities.

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