NAF AT 60 ANNIVERSARY: CAS inspects Airfield Landing Aids, ongoing projects in Kaduna

Oru Leonard 

In preparation for the upcoming Nigerian Air Force (NAF) 60th Anniversary celebration scheduled to hold at Abuja and Kaduna from 23-25 May 2024, the Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar was at the NAF Base Kaduna yesterday 30 April 2024 to inspect the installation of some airfield landing aids and ongoing projects critical to the successful hosting of the Anniversary. One of the equipment inspected by the CAS is the installation of the Instrument Landing System (ILS) with its accompanying equipment, which includes the localiser, glide slope and Distance Measuring Equipment. To forestall any power interruption, the system has been backed up with a solar system powered by a 10 KVA inverter with 28 batteries on both sides.

The successful implementation of the ILS unlocks a myriad of possibilities for aircraft operations at the airfield situated within the NAF Base Kaduna, which is expected to witness an increase in flying activities in the weeks to come in preparation for the Anniversary. With the new ILS, pilots can now execute precision ILS approaches, enabling safe landings even in adverse weather conditions with limited runway visibility. This installation is also significant for NAF student pilots, as it eliminates the need to seek alternative airfields for practicing ILS approaches, thus streamlining their flying training experiences.

Moving forward, the completion of the project’s second phase, encompassing the installation of solar landing lights and precision approach indicators, will no doubt augment the airfield’s capabilities. Upon fruition, aircraft will be empowered to conduct operations during low visibility conditions and at night, propelling the airfield towards 24-hour operational readiness while also serving as a beacon of excellence in aviation training and safety in Nigeria and beyond.

Air Marshal Abubakar also took out time to inspect some ongoing projects that included the renovation of the parade ground, the ongoing construction of the 72- flat accommodation for student pilots as well as repair of the aircraft shelters which would serve as the exhibition stands during the NAF 60th Anniversary.

(NAF Media)

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