Ministry Renews Focus on United Nations Youth, Peace and Security Agenda

Oru Leonard

The Honourable Minister of Youth and Sports Development Mr Sunday Dare on Thursday attended the virtual High Level Global Conference on Youth Inclusive Peace Processes.

In his address, the Minister spoke on the efforts made to localize the United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR 2250) in Nigeria.

The Federal Ministry for Youth and Sports Development(FMYSD) in partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Development and Education in Africa (CSDEA) and the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR) in the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the UNSCR 2250 Initiative in Abuja in October 2016 to bring attention to the issues of Youth, Peace and Security (YPS), marking a renewed focus on the YPS agenda in Nigeria.

Dare also mentioned an outcome of the launch which was the establishment of a National Working Group on Youth, Peace and Security (NWG YPS) which later became the Nigeria Coalition on Youth, Peace and Security.

The YPS National Action Plan (2021–2024) was developed to reflect and build upon the five pillars of the UNSCR 2250 and is now in its pilot phase of implementation.

Adamawa, Anambra, Delta, Kaduna, Oyo and Plateau states have been chosen as pilot states to measure impact and collect data that will guide scaling full implementation to other states.

(HMYSD Media)

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