Leadership as a Lifestyle, a Choice, about People


Mike Ihezuo


Leadership is not for your 9-5 job; it is a lifestyle.
Leadership is a part of your approach to everyone: Your family, your parents, your kids, your spouse. In traffic, in sports, in politics, in the supermarkets, shops, when making music.

Do you know Leadership is a choice? It begins with *Desire; desire to lead*.Engaging in leadership is an active, deliberate, conscious choice. No matter how leadership is, you must have a desire before you can lead – choice to be and do.

You are not born with it. Let no man deceive you, and you either don’t deceive you. You are not born with leadership spirit, skills and knowledge. Being a keader is a choice that only you can take for you. To some people, the choice of leadership is an epiphany.

Leadership is about people. Task master leadership think that leadership is work and task. There is a balance in team leadership i.e 50% task and 50% people – but over all truth is that leadership is about people. People lead, and people direct leading. Now see;
Leadership is about trust, respect, safety, and well-being, and it will make people thrive. Leadership is about releasing the power in yourself, the individual, and the team by acknowledging each other’s existence, approach, and opinion.

Leadership is about believing in each other.
*I can only be my best, when you are your best.* Kpakam!

This is leadership.

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