Katsina state Government has inaugurated a steering committee for the establishment of KOGO NATIONAL PARK in Faskari local Government area.

Oru Leonard 

The state Deputy Governor QS Mannir Yakubu expressed optimism that proper utilization of forest reserves will conserve biodiversity and ameliorate climate change impact in the state

The Deputy Governor said the state is blessed with human and natural resources that need to be harnessed to ensure continued development of of the state.

Earlier the Conservator General of national park service Dr Ibrahim M Goni said the steering committee will facilitate the handing and taking over process of designated national park in kogo faskari local govt area

He revealed that President MUHAMMADU Buhari in November 2020 approve the establishment of ten additional national parks to the existing seven bringing the number to seventeen in the country.

The Conservator General further said the journey to establish new national parks starts since 1992 after the enactment of decree 36 that eastablish first five national parks.

He explained that the establishment of the kogo national park will put the forest under protective management, improve internal security, reduce negative impact of climate change, preserve the natural resources and ensure the conservation of biodiversity for the benefit of the yet unborn future generations.

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