…. Outlines a week long programme

Maryam Aminu

Celebrated Annually on October 1st, International Day of Older Persons was passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 14th 1990, who declared October 1st to be the International day of older persons

The day is a special one for older people and senior citizens around the world. In Africa culture, the elderly have always been held in high regards and regards and given special status. They are source of wisdom, influencing who we are and who we wish to become

The Director-General of the National Senior Citizens Centre (NSCC), Dr Emem Omokaro, once again expressed gratitude to the Federal government for its designation of Oct. 5, as special day for the elderly.

Dr Omokaro noted that the Federal Government of Nigeria has designated a special day to celebrate senior citizens in the country in commemoration of the UN Instituted International Day of Older Persons (UN-IDOP), which coincided with our country’s independence day celebration today, October 1, 2022

This years theme, “Celebrating Resilience of Older Women and Men in a Changing World: From Resilience to Empowerment”, shows that older people are creating value and they still have significant contributions to offer, she added

She also disclosed that NSCC will organize a special event with highlights on the following;
*visiting of older persons to share fellowship and hospitality – 4th October,

*Slow carnival: a walk to show resilience- 5th October

*Partnership to change the narrative and spotlight older people creating value- 7th October

The NSCC boss said that the centre would look at income, security, healthcare, digital technology and continuous engagement with older person to ensure dignified life for older persons adding that the elders have so much to give to the society.

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