Concentration Part 1 (Do You Concentrate?)

Mike Ihezuo

Concentration is the bringing of the mind to a centre and keeping it unmoved there. It is a faculty, one of yours. It is vitally necessary and present in the accomplishment of every task. It is the father of thoroughness (completeness, perfection), and mother of excellence.

Concentrating is not an end in itself, but an aid to all faculties and all works of yours and lives. Concentration is not purpose in itself, but the power that serves all purposes. Please, concentrate as you read this as I take you from abstract realm to tangible plain. Concentration is a dynamic force in the machinery of your mind and the function of life.

Concentration is a common possession, just like any other faculty of yours like sense, will, reason, memory, though they are not common. You need to hear certain people reason and talk for you to know that common sense, common concentration, common willpower, common memory retention, common reasoning and common thinking are NOT COMMON!

Every successful man, in whatsoever area of manifestation of his success practices concentration or concentrates in that area. (I don’t mean he studied Concentration. No). I mean he concentrates on that thing he’s doing and is known! Every time one becomes absorbed in a book, talk, music or videos, or is rapt in devotion, attention or assiduous in duty, concentration is higher in that area, and less in else. I pray you understand me.

Leaders, I want to challenge you to do concentrate. Be a person that concentrates. Concentration is aid to the doing on something, not the doing of something in itself.

The *beginning* of concentration then, is to go to your daily tasks and put your mind on it, bringing all your intelligence and mental energy to a focus upon which has to be done. And every time the thoughts are found, wandering aimlessly away, they should be brought promptly back to the thing at hand… to the centre.

*The Enemy*
The great enemy of concentration and of course all skill and power are *WAVERING, WANDERING, and UNDISCIPLINED mind*. It is in conquering these 3 enemies that concentration is acquired.

*The Acquirement*
No secret to acquiring it than the principle governing all capacity development namely, *PRACTICE, PRACTICE, & PRACTICE*. Start concentrating now. If you can concentrate 10 minutes now or today, extend it to 30 minutes by practice next period. If you concentrate 30 minutes anytime, extend it to 90 minutes next time.

Leaders, start concentrating on what you do. Share with me how you’ve improve your concentration faculty.

Mike Ihezuo is a quintessential researcher, author, writer, speaker and consultant in Leadership, Management, Entrepreneurship and Success Motion. He’s passionate in helping individuals, organizations & CEOs succeed. He’s on *0805-999-2296 or and @MikeOIhezuo.

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