Bangladesh High Commission in Nigeria Celebrates 47th Anniversary of the Victory Day

by Oru Leonard
The Bangladesh High Commission in Nigeria has celebrated The 47th anniversary of the Glorious Victory Day of Bangladesh.
The occasion took place at the High Commission of Bangladesh in Abuja.
The celebration started with hoisting of the Bangkadeshi national flag with national anthem at the Chancery at 9:00 am on 16 December 2018 by H.E. Mr. Md. Shameem Ahsan,ndc, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Nigeria.  After the hoisting ceremony, special prayer was offered for the salvation of the departed souls of martyrs, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, martyred family members and for continued progress and prosperity of the country.
The second part of the celebration included discussion-cum-cultural function held at the Auditorium of the High Commission at 7:00pm on the same day. At the outset, one minute silence was observed as a mark of respect to the Father of the Nation, departed souls of the martyrs and freedom fighters. Messages of the Hon’ble President, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Foreign Minister and Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs were read out.
A video documentary on the glorious life of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the War of Liberation was screened. In his welcome remarks, High Commissioner Mr. Ahsan paid glowing tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, martyrs, women who were subjected to inhuman treatment and freedom fighters whose sacrifices and support led the country to the final victory. While mentioning about the foreign friends including India and the then Soviet Union, he also informed about conferring honour to foreign friends/organizations by the Government of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Mr. Ahsan urged the Bangladesh diaspora to come forward to realize the dream of “Sonar Bangla” envisioned by the Father of the Nation and to implement “Digital Bangladesh” under the dynamic leadership of the Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and a “Developed Country” by 2041.
During the discussion, the speakers from the community touched on the significance of the Day including  the glorious life and achievements of the Father of the Nation.
The second part of the programme was a colorful cultural event. Artists from expatriate Bengalis of West Bengal rendered patriotic songs which enthralled the audience. The programme was attended by many, among whom were members of the Bangladesh and Indian Bengali community, Nigerian nationals and Officials of the High Commission of Bangladesh.
The guests were served with traditional Bangladeshi cuisine.
Victory day is a national holiday in Bangladesh celebrated on December 16 to commemorate the victory of the allied forces over the Pakistani forces in the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971.

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