ANAMBRA GOVERNORSHIP ELECTION: CLEEN Foundation Releases Post- Election Statement- See Full Text

Oru Leonard

In less than 12 hours of announcing the inconclusive Anambra State Governorship election by INEC, the  CLEEN Foundation has released a post- election statement today Monday, November 8, 2021.

See Details…..



The Election Security Support Centre (ESSC) of CLEEN Foundation, in collaboration with the Police Service Commission (PSC) and Peoples Gazette observed the conduct of the Anambra State Governorship Election held on Saturday 6thNovember, 2021 by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). This post-election report is informed by our analysis of the polls from its commencement to its conclusion for the 6th of November, 2021. CLEEN Foundation observed that the election was visibly marked with logistics and operational challenges with regards to the distribution of election materials and late arrival of INEC officials across most of the polling units. These challenges led to late opening of the polls in some polling units, the extension of the polls from 2.30pm4.30pm and subsequent disenfranchisement of some electorates due to unavailability of election materials and INEC Officials.

We also observed that the election marked a huge improvement in terms of the deployment of security personnel across most polling units and their conduct on election duty. The Nigeria Police Force deployed a total of 34,587 police personnel, while the Nigeria Security and civil Defence Corps deployed about 20,000 personnel to provide security for the elections and electorates and to maintain law and order during the voting process in the state. Findings from our accredited observers deployed indicated that the election was generally peaceful as against initial fears of security threats and their potentials to disrupt the elections. You will recall in the build-up to the election, the atmosphere in Anambra State was characterized by heightened tension, inflammatory statements and violent clashes amongst political actors including killings of persons in some parts of the state

It is worthy to note that 43% of the respondents interviewed during the CLEEN Foundation Election Security Threat Assessment conducted in Anambra ahead of the election believed that the election will be peaceful while another 15% indicated that it will be very peaceful. We commend Ndi Anambra and all the stakeholders who made this possible. However, despite the peaceful nature of the election, we observed a low turnout of voters despite the relatively high number of registered voters in various polling units across the state. Strikingly, there was no election in Ihiala LGA which has over 148,000 registered voters. Hence, the election has been declared inconclusive by INEC in the early hours of today Monday 8th November, 2021, at around 12.20am.
We commend INEC for making the voting process inclusive through prioritization of persons living with disability, the elderly and pregnant women who were made to vote first during the election. The professionalism and dedication shown by most of its ad-hoc staff despite challenging circumstances should be replicated in future elections. We also commend the prompt response of INECs Situation Room to incidences escalated to them especially by the CLEEN Foundation Team. However, the failure of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) in some polling units was a key operational challenge during the polls. While the introduction of the technology is with a view to improve the electoral process and voter authentication, INEC should seek to address these challenges before further their utilization in future elections. Finally, we commend the Commissions technical teams who were seen swiftly responding to some of these technical challenges as they arose.
2.0 Methodology
The Election Security Support Centre of the CLEEN Foundation observed, tracked, documented, escalated and followed-up on security related developments across the state through its twenty-one INEC accredited observers deployed across all the Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Anambra state. In addition, CLEEN Foundation deployed its mobile application called the CLEEN Mobile App which allows accredited observers to report security issues in their respective areas of observation and proceedings of the elections. Other information related to election security were tracked and verified through credible media sources and social media platforms of credible partner organisations. The following issues are highlighted as part of our post-election findings for the 6th Gubernatorial elections.
3.0 Opening of Polling Units
Reports across the twenty-one (21) Local Government Areas of Anambra state indicate that while there were early arrival of voters for the polls, there were delays in the arrival of election materials and INEC officials at some polling units across the state. Opening of the polls was found to be generally late across the state. However, a few polling units, witnessed early arrival of INEC officials. For instance, at Unit 4, Ward 2 in Njikoka LGA, election materials arrived by 8am and voting commenced at 8.30am. Similarly, at polling unit 2, Ward 1 Awka South LGA, voting commenced early. For late opening of the polls and arrival of election and security officials, at polling unit 21, ward 20, Nnewi South LGA, there was absence of security officials and election materials at 9.20am
Similarly, at polling units 08 & 09, ward 001 & polling units 1 & 2, ward 002, GRA, Anaocha LGA, there were delays in the arrival of election materials at 9.30am. Also, at Polling units 002, 006 & 007, Ward 4 Awka North LGA, voting materials and security personnel had not arrived as at 9.27am. At polling unit 2, ward 008, Idemili South Local Government Area, there was the absence of election officials as at 9.50am. At polling units 4 & 7 Idemili South Local Government Area, ward one (1), security and electoral officials were also yet to arrive the polling units as at 10.30am.
4.0. Election Security Management
By the close of polls at 4.30pm, we observed the following issues relating to election security management and conduct of security personnel on duty as follows:

4.1. Early Arrival of Security Personnel: Statistics generated through our observer reports at the end of polls indicated 61.1% of security personnel arrived the polling units across the state before 9:00am, while 38.9% arrived from 9:00am upwards. This is quite commendable and an improvement from the preliminary findings by CLEEN Foundation released by 2pm on Saturday 6/11/2021. In the preliminary findings, 47% of security personnel arrived at the polling units across the state before 9am, while 53% arrived from 9:00am upwards.

4.2. Possession of Firearms at the Polling Unit: CLEEN Foundation observed 88.9% of the polling units across the state were protected by unarmed security personnel. However, there were reports of firearm possession by security personnel on patrol across the state.

4.3   Adequacy of Security personnel at the Polling Units: CLEEN observed adequacy of security personnel at all the polling units covered.

4.4 Identification of Security Personnel: statistics from the CLEEN Foundation observers confirmed 88.2% of the security personnel were wearing easily identifiable name tags which is commendable. However, 11.8% were observed without easily identifiable name tags.
4.5 Approachability of Security Personnel: Reports from our observers confirmed 50% of security personnel at the polling units were approachable. 44.6% of security personnel were very approachable by their disposition while 5.4% were observed to be somewhat approachable.
4.6. Feeling of Safety at the Polling Unit: CLEEN observed 94.5% of the polling units were safe and secured at all polling units visited by our observers. This is commendable and should be sustained to enhance citizens trust in the security of elections and their own safety.
5.0 General Observations
5.1.INEC Result Portal: CLEEN Foundation observed the upload of polling unit results on the INEC results portal. This practice is commendable as it enhances transparency in the collation of results during the election and reduces the usual tension which has been a common feature at collation centers.
5.2. Inclusivity of the voting process:
CLEEN observed the prioritization of persons living with disabilities and the vulnerable including the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers who were given preference in some polling units observed across the state. For instance, at polling unit 13, ward 3 & 6 Awka South LGA, persons living with disabilities and the elderly were allowed to cast their vote first. At polling unit 2, ward 2, old & sick persons were given priority to vote as well. At polling unit 9, ward 1, Ekwusigo LGA, the same practice was also replicated.

5.3.Disenfranchment of Voters
We observed that elections did not hold in some polling units leading to voters disenfranchisement. For instance, at ward 1 & 2, Idemili South LGA, elections were not held due to poor logistics arrangements and unavailability of INEC officials at the polling units. This made voters to be aggrieved at the process. At polling units 009, Ward1, Ekwusigo LGA, INECs sensitive materials and officials were not available. This again led to a case of no election at the polling unit. Further, at Polling unit 005, Edeke Central School, ward 4, Isseke in Ihiala LGA, there were reports also of no election as INEC officials and security agencies were absent. Similarly, at polling unit 001, Okija ward 2, and polling unit 008, ward 1 Ihiala LGA, INEC officials and voting materials arrived late and voting could not commence due to malfunctioning of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) device. Consequently, election did not hold at the polling unit. At polling unit 10, Ekwusigo LGA, our observers reported non-availability of sensitive materials and INEC officials as at 5.16pm subsequently disenfranchising the electorates within that location.
5.4.Vote Trading: CLEEN Foundation observed disturbing incidents of vote trading across the state. For instance at polling unit 7, 8, 17, & 18, ward 3, Awka South, there were reported incidents of inducement of voters by a leading political party with the sum of N1,000 and food. Similarly, at polling unit 17, ward 15, Ogbaru LGA, we observed inducement of voters with the sum of N2,000 per vote. At polling unit 4, ward 2, Njijoka LGA, party agents were observed infringing on voters choices through massive vote buying of votes. At polling unit 10&11, ward 2, Dunukofia LGA, we observed massive vote buying by three leading political parties from the range of N3,000 N10,000 which interestingly led to increase of voters at the polling unit. Furthermore, at polling unit 008, Oganiru primary school, ward 8, Idemili South LGA, a leading political party was observed to induce voters with N3,000. Money exchanged hands for votes in this process.
5.5. Voter Apathy: CLEEN Foundation observed a low turn out of voters across the polling units covered in the state by our observers. For instance, at polling unit 4, ward 1, Idemili South LGA, we observed that out of 644 registered voters, only 53 voters were accredited and voted. Similarly, at polling units 10, 11, & 14, ward 11, Dunokofia LGA, out of 1269 registered voters, only 135 voters were accredited. Also, at polling unit 9, ward 11, only 84 voters were accredited and voted out of a total of 538 registered voters. At polling unit 2, ward 2, Njikoka LGA, only 127 voters were accredited out of a total of 626 registered voters, and at polling unit 12, ward 8, Anambra West LGA, out of a total of 451 registered voters, only 58 voters were accredited and voted.
5.6. Covid 19 Protocol: Electoral Officers were observed wearing facemasks and complied with all the non-pharmaceutical measures stipulated by the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). However, most voters were seen without facemasks in some polling units visited. For instance, at polling unit 2, ward 2, Ayamelum LGA, this was observed. Also, at polling unit 9, ward 1, Ekwusigo LGA, voters did not comply with social distancing.
5.7. Welfare of Security Officials
Security personnel deployed to the state especially the Nigeria Police Force were poorly remunerated. For instance, while police inspectors and Senior Police Officers were paid N67, 000 while the rank & file were paid N32,500 as allowance for policing the polls. We observed that a lot of policemen were found without hospitable accommodation. This portrays a wrong impression and brings to fore the issue of welfare package for police officers which has been a recurring challenge in previous elections.
5.8. INEC Logistics/Operational Challenge
CLEEN Foundation observed voting did not commence early in some polling units due to malfunctioning of the Biometric Voters Accreditation System (BVAS) which was newly introduced and deployed by INEC. For Instance, in polling units 010, 011 & 014 Ward 3, Dunukofia LGA, there were reports of late accreditation due to the malfunctioning of the BVAS device. Similarly, at virtually all the polling units at Ward 2, Anambra East LGA, and polling unit 4, ward 4, Abaga, Njikoka LGA, we observed the malfunctioning of the BVAS and poor logistics by INEC including delayed commencement of polls. Moreover, at polling units 001 & 002, Ward 5, Orumba South LGA, BVAS malfunctioned and could not authenticate the fingerprints of voters, hence delayed voting. Also, at Ward 2, Aguata LGA, we observed the same challenge of BVAS including polling unit 010, ward 8. However, INEC Officials were seen in attempts to fix the technical challenges.
Despite the improvements noticed in the conduct of the Anambra State governorship election by INEC and security officials, several gaps were observed with capabilities that disrupted parts of the electoral process. In view of the observations during the election, CLEEN Foundation recommends the following to deepen the democratic process and improve election security management in Nigeria ahead of future off-cycle in 2022 and the general elections in 2023:

6.1 INEC

There is need for INEC to improve on logistics and operational challenges associated with theBimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) to deliver more transparent and credible elections;
The INEC result portal should be improved for more transparency and accountability through automation of sum of votes received by political parties at the polling units;
INEC should prosecute electoral offenders to serve as deterrent to others;
INEC should provide enough sensitive materials such as Braille for voters with visual impairment;
The Commission should train and retrain electoral officers and ad-hoc staff to enable them meet with the changing needs of the electorates in Nigeria.
Conduct more voter awareness of the BVAS machine. There were instances in some polling units that the device was confused with the defunct Smart Card Reader.

For future elections in Anambra state and given the persistent low voter turnout which is fast becoming a historical pattern with the state, we urge INEC to embark on high-level dialogues with key stakeholders including traditional and religious leaders to encourage the electorate to come out enmasse to cast their votes.

6.2.Security Agencies
We call on the security agencies deployed for election duty to arrest and investigate all those involved in vote buying in different parts of the state for prosecution.
6.3. Politicians and Political Parties
i) Should maintain peace and be magnanimous in victory.
ii) They should work with all Anambra citizens including those in the opposition parties to improve the governance of the state.

6.4. The Electorates

The electorate in Ihiala LGA should turnout en-mass to exercise their franchise in the supplementary election to hold tomorrow the 9th of November, 2021. They should exercise patience whenever INEC has challenges with technology and internet connection. They should also remain calm throughout the process and to the formal declaration of the winner of the election.

6.5. Media
They should desist from production of sensational headlines and hate speeches that can contribute to increased tension before, during and after elections.
They should verify and fact-check all information received before releasing to the public.
They should remain professional, neutral and non-partisan in the discharge of duties.

Thank you and may God bless Ndi Anambra and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Ruth Olofin
Acting Executive Director
CLEEN Foundation

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