The Canon of The Upcoming NUJ Election 2024

By Hamza Sanni

In one month from today the Abuja council of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), would come alive as members would be exercising their universal suffrage over who leads the Council.

The interesting thing about this year’s exercise is the insistence of members that the laws guiding and guarding the council must be followed to the later; that is the NUJ Constitution 2023 as amended.

And here lies the trouble. While on the one hand some members of the Council want a new NUJ governed by extant laws and guidelines, there’s another group that is canvassing for “Business As Usual.”

This later group believes that concessions should be made for emotions, and away from the law. This law, they are convinced, is not to their advantage at all.

And what’s the law being talked about? The provision of the Union’s constitution on qualification for membership, or for voting and being voted for.

Beyond this however, this year’s election is more of a chess game where the Aspirants are pawns. The actual contest is between power brokers who are at daggers drawn on who controls the soul of the FCT NUJ. And here is where most members are disconnected from the reality on ground.

It is worth noting that the immediate past chairman of the council, Emmanuel Ogbeche, is considered to have brought some sanity to the system.
Ogbeche’s crimes, according to his detractors, include not allowing them a bite at an imaginary pie – an Euphemism for not allowing them to fleece the Union at their will.

Observers said he also incurred the wrath of those who, for reasons of benefitting immensely from the council, believe they deserve to be considered as “Elders” at Utako (location of the Council’s headquarters in the city).
Amid the plethora of unfathomable reasons his transducers have advanced for hating him, the Cross River born journalist has remained undaunting, insisting that Utako cannot be traded for persons whose interest is a far cry from the development of the Union.

It is based on this unflinching resolve to speak out and loud, insisting on such a conviction that an insider who prefers anonymity said his detractors opted for an Aspirant with a large war chest (money bag for the poll) and reported support from some members of the House of Representatives, Senate and indeed some Governors.
Indeed, this choice seems to be rocking the ship of the NUJ election as their choice, according to the insider, has spared no breath in splashing money, in Naira and Dollars, to sway votes favourably.
Time and again the Aspirant’s caucus has called for meetings to consult and lobby members, with attendants reportedly leaving the venue of the meetings smiling to their banks.

Video and audio evidence abounds of instances where those who have attended such meetings hosted by the Aspirant told stories of suspicious financial, mouth watering largesse. Some of these include hosting birthdays for sympathisers.

And many wonder, what’s behind this manner of desperation ? An answer that can only be provided by the subject.
But as the FCT council prepares for the next round of elections come the end of November 2024, sounds of caution must come from the higher ups that the interest, survival and continuity of the council must take centre stage.
This has become critical considering the “motor-park” behaviour of persons who disrupted the smooth conduct of the Saturday 19 October Congress in a bid to foist their interest on right thinking members.

It should be stressed that journalism is a profession of cerebral minds who can hold their turf during debates.
What happened at the Congress showed a group that is desperate for power without the necessary intellectual preparedness and maturity for it.
It is beyond understanding how the council degenerated to this new low where half wits reign supreme because they are armed with untraceable money.

Regrettably, the recent events at the council are tell-tale signs that money in misguided, mentally ill-equipped hands is a potent weapon of self destruction.
Thus, security agencies must be put on red alert to investigate the unhealthy development.

Aspirants, if and after they are cleared to take part in the poll. Just as Elders of the council must as a matter of duty to the profession, close ranks and protect the profession and practitioners many of whom consider this a calling, and not just a job.
The emphasis must be on qualification to practice, and not practice to qualify as stipulated by the relevant sections of the NUJ Constitution 2023 as amended in Kano, Nigeria.

Hamza Sanni writes from Abuja.

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