7 Groups of People in an Organisation You Must Know: A Word of Wisdom For HRM, Pastor, Managers, General Leaders



As a Leader, beware that at one stage or the other in your organization, church, business, union or association, you will find yourself dealing with the following groups of people. If you don’t have wisdom to deal with them, your position and efforts are in danger and waste.

1. *THOMAS GROUP* -They walk with you but they don’t really believe in you. Though God can use you in front of them, they are not easily moved they take time to believe in you. These people can delay your vision and they are also not aware they are also delaying themselves. It’s a struggle and a burden to lead people who don’t believe in you.

2. *JUDAS GROUP*- They walk with you but they have issues with you when God begins to bless you. They are not happy when things of great value are given to you. Judas envied how expensive perfume was lavished on Jesus feet by Mary Magdalene, not that Judas loved the poor Moore than Jesus. Each point of ascendency, he jealoused Jesus. Pastors especially, be careful here.. In short they are jealous of your success. When elevation comes your way, they will say we are poor in the work place but the Boss is driving a big car but we have people that are struggling financially in this workplace. They want you to drive a probox which will make them happy. (Don’t you see people who complain their leaders are not as wretched as they are?). They have serious issues if your life becomes better and better. They talk as if you don’t care about the poor. Hear these Leaders, anyone who is jealous about your prosperity in your workplace tomorrow he will betray you.

3. *ABSALOM GROUP* – You give them opportunity to teach or lead and he begins to see himself as the Leader of the place, he believes he can teach and lead better than you. When he leads, he leads to prove a point that he is better than you, he won’t even mention you in his conversation. He works behind you to steal the hearts of people so that people will follow him. He will make people to feel they are neglected in your position. He will tell people he is there for them to help them anytime they need help. This one he is in competition with you , he believes he can be a better Leader than you. Absalom grew in competition against his father to demand his father’s thrown. He splited Israel against David. Tomorrow, trust me, he will split your followers.

4. *KORAH GROUP*- This one will challenge your authority, he believes you are at the same level with everyone and he has issues when others give honor to you. He will say you are honoring this man too much. He has issues when you give instructions, he is rebellious and dangerous because he sees you as someone who is at the same level with him. He believes everyone is professional, have same degrees and everyone is educated so what is so special about you . They may have read better course or have better grade ‘in their own mind’. They despise you to other subordinates. They lead a rebel group against you. I wish you know what Korah did in Numbers in Israel sojourn in wilderness under Leader Moses. That’s similar to what Miriam and Aaron did to Moses – despising their leader, Moses: God didn’t take it light with the rebel leaders: Kora, Aaron and Miriam. In your case, don’t take it light (take it serious yourself), because God may not fight for you as he did for Moses if you don’t have relationship with him as Moses had.

5. *HAM GROUP*- This one he will expose your nakedness, the day you find yourself in a shameful act, You remember one oof the 3 survivors of the great, son of Noah? He saw his father’s nakedness and laughed. When others saw it, they carry cloth and move by their back to cover their father You know Ham was cursed as a result while Japheth and Shem were blessed. Ham group in your company, school, church, union or any organization will tell everybody your weaknesses and he will be happy to expose your disaster. Be careful with them. They may end in curse but that depend ONLY on how spiritual you are and your understanding of curses/blessing and the “Ham act” because it is your HEART primarily, not mouth that will release the blessing/curses.

6. *GEHAZI GROUP* – He is with you but he will be collecting money from behind your back. He takes advantage that he is close to the Leader and use that to collect things from people. He borrows money from people and he does not pay them back. He goes to people to ask for financial assistance and make people feel you are not taking good care of him as he serves in the house. These one will be reducing your image outside unknowingly to you.

7. *DEOTREPHES GROUP*- This one is too dangerous, he is famous in the workplace/group/association, he has power and influence and has a voice amongst the people. He speaks malicious words behind your back . He is poisonous, he can come with stories that can totally destroy your image as a Leader. He can come up with serious lies that cause people to leave your group. He will come with stories that you are using their money , you are sleeping with women and using charms to sustain your position. His stories are very harmful and dangerous. In fact, he combines the following evils of some others above.

Deal with these insurrections physically and spiritually. Most leaders (especially pastors) don’t take the reality of organizational politics serious. They’re adamant or “holy” to it, but it’s being stupid. Be political savvy, alive and alert at workplace, church/mosque or union. No Leader can rise to higher level of his calling until all these rebellions and insurrections have been dealt with in his environment.

By the way, which of the 7 groups do you belong to? Walk away from evil group. Evil KILLS.

This is
Leader Mike.

Leader Mike helps employees on corporate politics.

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