3 Ways of Acquiring Certificates and 3 Ways of Acquiring Learning

Mike Ihezuo

These two words: certificate and learning are very interesting words to pay attention to. This is because we depend on them largely and can’t really push them aside.

Certification is a document proof only that one has participated in a thing – perhaps Learning itself, show of presence (attendance) or can do a task, and stuff like that. I award (give) certificates in programmes, so I’m not demeaning certificates.

Learning is a proof also that one has known a stuff, hence can be relied upon for service, advice or such stuff. Learning can only be attested by close observer and the bearer (learned).

A. Certification
You receive certificates when you;
– attend a PROGRAM: school, workshop, event, etc
– pass through EXPERIENCE, wedded, baptized, distinguish in act, win a contest like Election, etc
– etc.

But the very act you receive certificate ASSUME but doesn’t automatically CONFER to you to have acquired LEARNING and that’s where our heartbreak, our disappointment begins : *the pressumptuousness that somebody’s beautifully designed certificate translates to Learning*.

B. Learning
Now, we receive Learning not the same way we receive certificates because sometimes people may not know you have learnt something, even the learner himself may not know he has learned something new BUT, effective Learning is a DELIBERATE acts anyway. I’ll come back to this, perhaps in part 2 or live meeting.

How do You/I Acquired CERTIFICATE?

3 ways I’ll brief you on here. You can call for details. Here are them;

1. you EARN (Labour, Strive, work hard)
for certificates.

2. you BUY (pay, cash n carry, sort, ‘arrange’) for certificate

3. you STEAL (use someone’s) certificate and answer his name.

How do you Acquire LEARNING?

3 ways I’ll brief you on here to balance it. Again, you can call. Here are them;

1. you READ, READ, READ, (every human achievement, articulations, accomplishment, etc are written down somewhere)

2. you LISTEN (I didn’t say hear) to gifted, wise and annointed speakers or Leaders. Listening is one of the toughest skills ever. Majority hardly listen. Many doctors, many lawyers, many journalists, many ‘poloticians’, etc. You’re just articulating, arranging what to say, they conclude your saying to you: lawyers put it ignoramusly to you. You’re trying to explain how you feel, the doctor has finished writing two page prescription so as to attend to another patient. You’re trying to make a point, the journalist thanks you for coming so that he brings up another program) speaker. You swallow your spit. Poor listeners!

3. you submit to MENTORSHIP, to be mentored. Can I ask you question? Who mentors you? In every aspect of your pursuits, who are the mentors you have there? Don’t tell me Jesus, God or Holy Spirit. It’s because of lack of respect in you that makes you to say that 100% Spirit will mentor mortal man (part spirit, part man) like you. Don’t tell me it’s your father, because you think I’ll give price/award, so that your father collects it. That can be, but rarely.

Let me leave you here for now. I don’t want to talk of role models, association, etc here)

On Certification, little instructions only:

+ don’t put your strength in paper certificates. Nations and individuals that trust paper certificates are collapsed, collapsing and will collapse. You at least know one example. Highest reward for certificates is TITLE and in serious societies, their is no ENTITLEMENT WITH TITLES.

+ when you don’t have strength to earn certificate, please BUY it, after all, you know you’re looking for title, not know how. You can’t be witch and poor at same time. it’s double jeopardy.

+ never think that someones certificate even CV is the person. Please INTERVIEW to your satisfaction. Even in every relationship, prove what people tell you they are to the extent you can. Many have killed people maybe someone reading this, and is working with his/her certificate. This statement is a big IMPLICATION to Human Resources Management.

Leader Mike Ihezuo is passionate in corporate growth and development, you can contact through his email: leadermikeo@gmail.com

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