UI organises a Pre-retirement seminar for prospective retirees.

Oru Leonard 

The Career Development and Counselling Centre of the University of Ibadan has organised a one-day seminar for over 100 members of staff who have either just retired or are about to retire in the next few months.

The Director of the Centre, Professor I. P. Onyeonoru said the Seminar was organised to enlighten the retirees on “Living Good and Well after Retirement”

To this end, resource persons were invited to speak on salient topics. Professor D. A. Oluwole of the Department of Counselling and Human Development Studies, University of Ibadan, spoke on “Healthy Life Style in Retirement” while Mr Abimbola Yeshua of Yeshua Papaya Farms, Lagos spoke on “Viable Investment Opportunities for Retirees”
Other speakers included Mr OsuolamilekanAbiola of Abrom Mrich Ltd, who spoke on “Enterprise Funding for Retirees” and Mr. Sullyman A. Ibraheem of the Nigerian University Pension Management Company Ltd who spoke on “Pension Matters: What we all need to know.”

The participants were afforded ample opportunities to ask questions and exchange ideas.

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kayode O. Adebowale, mni, FAS, was represented by the Dean of Students, Professor Keye Abiona. He appreciated the participants for having served the University meritoriously and prayed that they would enjoy their retirement well.

The Registrar was represented by the Deputy Registrar, Human Resources and Development (Non Teaching Staff), Mrs Stella O. Soola.

In a goodwill message from the Registrar,
the participants were charged not to see retirement as a passport to death but rather as a visa to better living. She advised them that it was “better to live rich than to die rich” adding that they should enjoy the fruits of their labour rather than suffer to leave money in their accounts for their families to inherit.

Professor Onyeonoru assured that such seminars will be held from time to time for the benefits of would-be retirees.

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