Oru Leonard

As Councillor Celia Osakwe-Hibbert continues to award some of the monies from her ‘Wolverhampton Local Government Funds’ to deserving community run projects based in Penn Ward where she represents,  Hon. Celia reflects on how things are done at Home versus Diaspora.

Governor Uzodimma’s immediate past Adviser on Diaspora, charges every sector to upgrade their level of commitment and responsibility to the Imo Community. In her statement, She said; “It’s time for all our sectors to become more responsible for building a better Imo. For instance with our Churches, they must start to lead on community projects, like build refuge for women fleeing violence, build free schools, vocational centres. The Church leaders must get  professionals in their congregation to volunteer in these projects, not just ask them to donate tithes…

For the Charities, Foundations, NGO’s please be more visible, raise money not just through Government but through well thought out activities, above all use the money judiciously for community projects, it’s not for you to get rich, it’s for community transformation… “The youth groups, you’re not a political group, organise clean ups, seminars, programmes that will challenge the body and soul, adding value to Imo State.

“Where are the Lawyers? Your highlight is not a courtesy visit to the Governor’s office. We need to see you offer ‘Pro Bono’ legal services, give free access to justice to that widow, that young man, that family who has been displaced by a rich man or unscrupulous entity.

“Employers, private, public or corporate entities, ensure you commit to your social responsibilities and make sure you are aware of the global practice and implement your quota in Imo!

“All sectors should rise up to the challenge, then the Government will spot the serious individuals and organisations who are keen on developing Imo, this will instigate a natural partnership. The change we all clamour for is within our powers to drive and collectively we can, Hon. Councillor Celia Osakwe-Hibbert concluded.

P.S: Photo attached is of Councillor Celia Osakwe-Hibbert donating funds from her government allocation to agencies she partners with; one is with a Reverend who offers free choir and trips away to Young Choristers. The other photo is with a Charity which delivers food for those facing hardships..

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