The Concept Called LEARNING

Mike Ihezuo

We learn not everyday but at every moment we are disposed to learn and have an opportunity to learn. This opportunity comes because someone is willing (charitable, kind) to dispense knowledge. Many hoard knowledge, others hide, a few communicate, while few share. Which one are you?

Good learners listen to every WORD in a speech or talk, read every LINE in a write-up. It takes humility to learn, not argument.

There’s a SKILL called LEARNING skill. Academics don’t teach it. Many lecturers don’t know it talk less of teaching it. It’s not in their curriculum, maybe in it may be in Education curriculum (but it’s still academic!!! – if you understand what I mean). You maybe a professor without having a Learning skill, another maybe primary Six holder with LEARNING skill.

You (I mean everybody) are not gifted to learn but we learn by DELIBERATE EFFORT to develop, evolve, study, and listen. Summed up, learning is not a GIFT (like your height, stature, where you come from, are gifts you didn’t bargain for), BUT learning is a VICTORY (battle you choose to win, accomplishment u want to make, etc, you fought for it of course got it.). Learning skill is a tough skill; the reason being that subskills to Learning skill which include LISTENING, READING, CONCENTRATION, ARTICULATION, ASSIMILATION, MEDITATION are in themselves all tough skills.

Certification can show you have acquired some Learning but not always true, because we all can manoeuvre getting a certificate. Simple!!! Isn’t it?

In the equations of Success, LEARNING is a variable, but SCHOOLING or Certification is not. That’s why many successful people in business, politics, commerce, entertainment, sports, Leadership, etc in your town, LG, state, country and world didn’t have much classroom/degrees experiences like you (acadas) but your people (acadas) serve them as PA, SA, Accountant, doctors, Secretaries, Letter writers/readers, protocol officers, chefs, food tasters, etc.

Big Question????

Do I learn from every available moment or do I argue?
(I personalized the question so that you won’t say I’m insulting someone, than self.) Now do same to you.

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