Mike Ihezuo

I said in part 1 that bad leaders are everywhere: scattered here and there…and it’s true. Reason could be a deliberate choice to be a satan’s agent. Others could be;
+ selfishness, desire to be self-centered
+ ignorance of not knowing that one is a bizarre leader,
+ not knowing that good leadership is learnt (perhaps my primary reason for going through this series)
+ associating with evil men/leaders
+ not choosing to win the victory of character improvement
+ etc.

The good news is “no bad (or good) leader live forever (only the good God do and our individual eternal spirit). No tenure (even life tenure) last forever. Death gives room to birth. Unless certain things or persons die, some things or persons will not come up or see the light of the day. See/read from God;

*”Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit”*. [John 12:24 KJV].

– That bad CEO will one day go: sacked, resigned or died.

– That bad Manager will one day go: sacked, resigned or died.

– That bad DG will one day go: sacked, resigned or died.

– That bad Chairman will one day go: sacked, resigned or died.

– That bad President will one day go: sacked, resigned or died.

– That bad Boss will one day go: sacked, resign or died.

– That bad Governor will one day go: sacked, resigned or died.

– That bad Ruler will one day go: sacked, resigned or died.

A day came;

1. Atila, the Gun, “the storm from the East” died.

2. Torquemada, “the Spanish inquisitor” died.

3. Prince Xlad Dracula, “the Impaler” died.

4. Francisco Picarro, “the Conqueror of the Ineas” died.

5. Ivan IV, “‘the Terrible’, Tsar of the Russias”, died.

6. Rasputin, “the ‘mad monk’ who brought down a dynasty” died.

7. Joseph Stalin, “a twentieth century tyrant” died.

8. Adolf Hitler, “father of the final solution”, lead brain behind the WW2, died.

9. François, “‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier, the quiet country doctor” died.

10. Pol Pot, “the architect of genocide” died.

11. Idi Amin, “the butcher of East Africa” died.

12. Emperor Baden Bokassa, “the indeed ‘boo-ka-saa’ of Central Africa Republic” died.

13. Sadam Hussein. “the Stalin of Middle East” died.

14. Muamma Gaddafi, “the tiger of Libya” died.

15. Charles Taylor, “the Liberian warlord” is serving international sentence on human right abuse.

16. etc.

Put that bad/poor leader’s name you know there, the;
_ Manager
_ Boss
_ DG, Director, PS
_ VC/Provost/Rector
_ Administrator
_ Governor
_ President, President General, President-in-Council
_ Chairman
– etc;
they will all come to pass: expired, retired, resigned or died, hence, the most important thing is “YOU BEEN ALIVE TO SEE IT HAPPENS”. In all mentioned above, millions died, were messed up, abused, disused, misused, maimed and unused in their tenure, but millions still survived them untouched. So, my burden: “How Do You (or I) as a Leader Working Under a Bad or Poor Leader Succeed In Your/My Career as a Leader?

Leaders like you have no room (provision) for failing!

Please, watch out for Part 3

#MikeIhezuoSpeaks, #LeadershipXcellence@MikeOIhezuo

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