Problem Management 1: Problem Solving

Mike Ihezuo

One way people emerge leaders is to solve problems. Others could be by election, promotion, appointment, mentored or emergence by common demonstration of desire, ability and interest.

Solving problems is to me the fastest, faster than being mentored. For instance, if anyone/organization can proffer solutions to any world governor or president or UN on how best to solve the COVID-19 pandemic [currently problem above problems], such a person/organization has become a KING: a leader.

By Friday May 1, 2020 night, WHO said 102 vaccines are being worked on and 7 or so are being tested. Any or some of them that survives the test parameters will become KINGS. Why? They have solved problems. Which problem? COVID-19 pandemic problems. Wow!
What are some Economic Importance of Problems:
* Problems gives shape
* Problems make you know yourself
* Problems make you know people around you better: Enemies and friends, pretenders and reals.
* Problems exposes you to wrong hopes and balances
* Problems tells you, you. You don’t know yourself than you know you in adversity and absolute stupendous affluence.
* Problems make you discover hidden things.
* Problemes make you invent non existing before.
* Problems birth creativity and innovativeness.

If any CEO wants to downside and remembers a staff who solves problem, innovative, or creative, that staff won’t be let go. No one wants to let go a problem-solving staff, relation, associate, partner, etc. Why people dump/drop you in a deal/relationship is they consider you non-problem solver. All divorces (except extreme stupid ones) indirectly or directly points to one/both of the partner seeing the other as non-problem-solver to the other: “so why will i continue with one who’s solving no problem in my life”. Acts of uselessness and hopelessness are what make people to be easily discarded. You can never be creative, innovative, imaginative without being a problem solver, and be retained even in relationship.

You’ll be remembered by the problems you created or the problems you solved.

Solving problem is a great leadership virtue. I teach leaders 10 unique fantastic models to solve problems. Let me share 3 briefly with you;
1.Engage Time Element: Solve problems TIMELY and swiftly. All problems in life may be solved “whenever – whenable”, but what makes it special is HOW TIMELY and swiftly (times speed) it takes you to do. How…
2. Solve Problems Others Cannot: The attention you draw to yourself which makes you great is that the problem you solve is not the one every Dick & Tom can solve. Solving uncommon problems make your replacement difficult, if not impossible. Every father solves upkeep problem, but this is common hence cannot make any father a leader outside his home. Mothers solve children emotional problems, but every mother does that, so it cannot single out a typical mother as a leader. But what if a mother solves or does not solves emotional problems and researches out a vaccine or treatment model for corona virus, the world will STAND UP FOR HER, GIVE HER NOBEL PRIZE, ANNOUNCE HER IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA, MAKE HER TOUR THE WORLD [I mean serious countries]. Learn to solve problems in unconventionally way today. How…
10. Solve problems to someone that can help you to the top:Let’s say you can barb hair. Let’s say that’s a typical problem. You can barb a poor or mad man, but that’s not how you will emerge a leader. Barbing a governor, a president, mogul or successful takes you to the top, influence and leadership. Solve problems for someone in authority or position to help you. These are people I want to locate and solve their problems. The goal of solving problem is to lead, influence, get attention, and ultimately solve your own problem. (Please don’t forget this). When we solve problems, we attract attention, money and influences. Skillful problem solvers rule others. I’m a testimony to this. Money is a reward for solving problems. The higher the problem [quality] and the more the problems “havers” [quantity], the richer you’re.

Stop being envious of leaders influencing/mentoring hundreds of millions followership while you can’t influence/mentor a family of 4 . Why must you be high? Degree? Exaggerated Nonsense! Every poor man doesn’t solve quality problem, or to high person or if ever he does, it is not to many persons at a time.

Mike Ihezuo is a leadership writer who features regularly on this platform.

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