Oru Leonard
The President, United Apostolic Church of Christ, Rev. Dr. James Bayo Owoyemi today 31st October, 2021 inaugurated the first Abuja branch of the church. At a service attended by the church’s Board of Trustees, he declared that the branch of the church shall be known as UACC, CHAPEL OF GLORY.
This is contained in a statement singed by PASTOR PAUL I ERAKHIFU, Acting Natonal Media Director Of UACC.
Ouoting from the book of Zechariah 4:9-10 in the Bible, he spoke on the topic, THE GOD OF SMALL BEGINING. He declared that God loves beginnings, because God is the Alpha and Omega and that whatever God begin, He has the capacity to make it large and glorious.

He prophesied that every life that is experiencing stagnation will henceforth enjoy the speed of God and that the power of multiplication that is at work in the universe that made two beings to be over seven billion beings on earth now will work miraculous in the life of all worshipers in JESUS Name.
The inaugural service was concluded with a special anointing service. Rev. Dr. James Bayo Owoyemi pronounced that everyone at the service has been anointed and whatever they touch shall bow to the power of the anointing. The President also introduced the pioneer Minister in charge of UACC CHAPEL OF GLORY, Evangelist OLUWASEGUN ADELEYE to the church.

United Apostolic Church of Christ Worldwide, CHAPEL OF GLORY, is located at Katampe, Mpape, FCT, Abuja. Our service hold as follows;
Mondays – BIBLE STUDY – 05:00PM
Wednesdays – VICTORY HOUR – 05:00PM
Sunday Service – 08:00AM.
The Members Board of Trustees and General officers of UACC accompanied the President of UACC to Abuja for the church inauguration.
Recall that early this year during his visitation to UACC Assemblies in Ogun State, the President of UACC, Rev. Dr. James Bayo Owoyemi inaugurated an assembly at Oru Ijebu.