Oru Leonard 

The National Senior Citizens Centre (NSCC) signs Tripartite lease agreement on a 21.6hectares farmland with Ushafa Community, Bwari Area Council.

Under the NSCC flagship program “Grandmothers Arise for Good Initiative: Economic Tree Crop vegetable planting project.

The initiative described by NSCC Director General, Dr Emem Omokaro will enhance the production and productive capacities of Older Persons (60+ Women and Men) in Nigeria through agriculture using the “Social-Economic Entrepreneurial Model”

At the lease signing ceremony in Ushafa, Dr Omokaro said the project will integrate water sanitation and hygiene, healthcare and Social Services.

The project will have forty-three beneficiaries on a ratio of 40% male to 60% female in pairs working on a 21.6hectares of land cultivating groundnut, maize and cowpea annually.

The beneficiaries are largely non-pensioned members of the Ushafa Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society who will adopt the communal approach to agriculture with the tendency to leverage resources from the community, private sector, government and other partners to improve on their outputs, production and productivity.

The initiative which has partnerships with SMEDAN, WHO, Water Aid, FCT RUWASSA and FCT PHCDA facilitated by NSCC will adopt and promote smart and climate friendly agricultural practices as well as enhance the production and productive capacities of the farmers and cooperative.

Off-taking arrangement is designed to meet the specific needs of consumers of targeted markets, locally and internationally.

There shall be dedicated 1.6hectares of land for the cultivation of 5000 tree seedlings that will have economic value to mitigate the effect of climate change through the promotion of water shed protection, development of tree canopies and grooves in schools, open spaces and walk ways.

(NSCC Media)

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