NIGERIAN PROTESTS: APRA stands with Nigeria, Urges Continuous Dialogue

Oru Leonard 

As the protests in Nigeria entered their second day, the African Public Relations Association (APRA) issued a statement of solidarity with the government and people of Nigeria. The association recognized the right to protest as a fundamental aspect of democracy and commended the Nigerian government for allowing citizens to exercise this right.

However, APRA also expressed concern about the reported violence and loss of life during the protests. The association urged all parties involved to engage in sincere and continuous dialogue to resolve the issues driving the protests.

“Protests and advocacies for improved social conditions are constitutive of civil liberties and central to democratic practice. Indeed, democracy dies without a guarantee of civil liberties. APRA, therefore, commends the Nigerian government for its expressed guarantee and non-aversion to the expression of the right to protests by citizens and the actions it has taken to prevent the escalation of the crisis”, ARPA said

The statement noted with concerns the reported death of persons – including citizens and security forces, injuries to many persons, looting of business assets, theft of equipm

“We stand with Nigeria in this challenging time,” said the APRA statement. “We believe that peaceful resolution is possible through open communication and a willingness to listen to each other’s concerns.”

APRA’s called for dialogue remained a powerful reminder of the importance of communication and collaboration in resolving conflicts.

“APRA shares in the grief of families that have lost their members in the ongoing crisis and pray for the repose of the souls of the departed. We wish those recuperating from injuries a speedy and complete recovery and hope that institutions and persons that have lost properties will be supported to recover quickly and return to business to support government’s effort to reflate the Nigerian economy”, ARPA president concluded.

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