Oru Leonard

The Federal Government of Nigeria with support from UNEP and GEF, is set to commence the implementation of the Circular Economy Approaches for the Electronics Sector in Nigeria project. The initiative seeks to expand the responsibility of producers of electrical and electronic products and technology to cover the entire life cycle of these items in the country beginning with the pilot phase in Lagos State.

In a statement made available to the media, the C.E.O. of Timbuktu Media, MR Mike Omeri stated “There is no gainsaying the fact that the media has become an integral part of social movements globally. In Nigeria and particularly, Lagos State, the media has engrained itself as a social mobilisation partner for enhancing behaviour modification, information and knowledge sharing. This customarily, has made the media frontline partners in the promotion of innovations and ideas including those that deal with environmental issues.

Realising the crucial role of the media in the implementation of the EPR in Nigeria, noting the place of the media in message conveyancing, it has become imperative to create a band of media advocates among journalists for the project in the country

“Furthermore, constrained by the current state of affairs due to the COVID 19 pandemic which has curtailed the movement of persons, we propose to host a Webinar with some selected media organisations particularly, from their corps of Environment Reporters to participate in this event. It is expected that this team to be cultivated, would keep the message and stories of the Project in the hearts and minds of electronic and technology product producers, residents as well as drive home the impact and effect of electronic and electrical waste mismanagement to the environment. This could be achieved through programming, features, editorials and comments on both Traditional and New Media among other communication opportunities.

a.         To conduct a media immersion webinar for Nigerian Journalists on the Project.
b.         To secure informed media partnership for the Implementation of the project generally and in Lagos State particularly, where the pilot phase is due to commence.
c.         To create a media pathway for stakeholders in the media for periodic interface to generate related and informed content as well as opportunities among members of the public.

“These objectives are in line with the federal government policy on circular economy to enhance the general wellbeing of citizens through environmental health and human safety awareness programmes.
In this regard, we write on behalf of our client, the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency, NESREA, implementers of the policy, to invite you to attend a virtual media workshop on tackling e-waste in Nigeria.”

The Hon. Minister of State for Environment is expected to declare the event open while the Director General of NESREA, Prof.  Aliyu Jauro is the keynote speaker. Others expected to speak at the occasion include Prof Lai Oso of the University of Lagos and Ibukun Faluyi of EPRON.

Timbuktoo Media invites stakeholders to the Zoom meeting.

Topic: Tackling E-Waste in Nigeria
Time: Nov 19, 2020 11:00 West Central Africa

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Meeting ID: 891 7309 1865
Passcode: 520h8M

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