NCAA Management, Staff pour encomium at Ag. DGCA, Capt. Chris Najamo at 65

Oru Leonard 

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), recently celebrated a major milestone – the 65th birthday of its Acting Director General, Civil Aviation, Captain Chris Ona Najomo. The corporate headquarters in Abuja was abuzz with excitement as management and staff gathered to honor their beloved leader.

As Captain Najomo walked into the building, he was met with a red carpet reception, soft music, and a sea of smiling faces. The brief ceremony, described as a first in NCAA’s 25-year history, was a testament to the impact Captain Najomo has made since assuming office in December 2023 ³.

Staff and Union Representatives took turns to praise Captain Najomo’s dedication to aviation safety, security, and staff welfare. Dr. Mrs. Anastasia Gbem, Director of Human Resources and Administration, noted that Captain Najomo has made a significant impact, prioritizing safety and passenger comfort. He has ensured timely payment of staff salaries, promotions, and housing arrears, and has promised to address pending benefits.

Mr. Michael Achimugu, Public Affairs & Consumer Protection, highlighted the reforms Captain Najomo has introduced, revolutionizing consumer experiences and creating a conducive work environment. Captain Najomo, visibly emotional, expressed pride in working for NCAA and emphasized the importance of staff training and retraining. He pledged to review and improve the condition of service and sought cooperation from the union ¹.

The celebration was attended by various directors, including Engr. Godwin Balang, Mr. Omogo Bernard Chinedu, and Dr. (Mrs.) Rebecca Aghadinazu. Captain Najomo’s leadership has not gone unnoticed, with achievements such as building a consumer protection portal to address passenger complaints ⁴.

As Captain Najomo begins another year of service, his commitment to excellence and staff welfare remains unwavering. The NCAA community looks forward to continued growth and development under his guidance.

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