CISLAC/TI-Nigeria Warns of Legal Risks in State Contracts After Seizure of Nigerian Presidential Jets

Maryam Aminu

The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), and Transparency International Nigeria (TI-Nigeria), have issued a stern warning to Nigerian state governors, urging them to exercise due diligence and seek comprehensive legal advice in contract negotiations.

This call follows the recent seizure of three Nigerian presidential jets by a French court, a development stemming from a contract dispute between the Ogun State Government and the Chinese firm Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd.

In a statement signed by its Executive Director, Auwal Musa Rafsanjani, CISLAC/TI-Nigeria expressed deep concern over the escalating legal battle, which originates from a 2007 agreement to develop the Ogun Free Trade Zone.

Rafsanjani highlighted that the mismanagement of this contract has led to substantial financial losses and has further damaged Nigeria’s standing on the international stage.

“State governors and government officials must fully grasp the legal and ethical implications of international agreements before committing to them,” Rafsanjani emphasized. “Nigeria is already facing numerous socio-economic challenges, and the last thing we need is to be entangled in costly legal disputes that could have been avoided with proper due diligence.”

Rafsanjani also criticized the federal government for allowing state governors to secure loans without adequately addressing potential risks, suggesting that personal interests often drive public officials into problematic agreements.

He drew parallels to the infamous P&ID case, where Nigeria was ordered to pay $6.6 billion in fines due to contractual breaches, a figure that eventually soared to $11 billion due to accrued interest.

CISLAC/TI-Nigeria’s warning is part of a broader campaign for greater transparency and accountability in handling international contracts.

The organization has been actively monitoring and advocating for global transparency since the P&ID arbitration order in 2017, which mandated Nigeria to pay the hefty fine.

Rafsanjani noted that during the legal battle in London to overturn this order, CISLAC and Transparency International collaborated with various local and international organizations to demand thorough investigations into all those implicated in undermining Nigeria’s interests.

The statement also praised global advocacy efforts that led to temporary relief for Nigeria through a UK court’s decision.

However, CISLAC reiterated its call on President Bola Tinubu and anti-corruption agencies to prosecute all Nigerians and their accomplices, including former senior officials, who were involved in colluding with P&ID for personal gain.

CISLAC/TI-Nigeria’s statement underscores the critical need for Nigeria to handle its international agreements with greater care, emphasizing that the consequences of neglecting due diligence can be severe.

As the country navigates this complex legal situation, the organization insists on the importance of vigilance and ethical governance in contract negotiations.

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