Celebrating Heroes of Conservation: World Ranger Day 2024

Oru Leonard 

The National Park Service of Nigeria hosted a momentous gathering to commemorate World Ranger Day 2024, themed “Rangers: Natural Solution to Achieving the 30×30 biodiversity targets.” The event honored the bravery and dedication of park rangers worldwide, who risk their lives to protect the planet’s natural treasures.

The keynote speaker, the Honourable Minister of Environment, Mr Balarabe Abbas Lawal, expressed deep gratitude to the National Park Service and stakeholders for their tireless efforts in conservation. He highlighted the significance of World Ranger Day, which pays tribute to rangers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Conservator General of the National Park Service, Ibrahim Musa Goni, also noted that the theme of this year’s event honored the bravery and dedication of park rangers worldwide.

Goni emphasized the critical role rangers play in protecting the planet’s natural and cultural treasures, often risking their lives in the process. He highlighted the challenges faced by rangers, including terrorism, poaching, and lack of resources.

“The event commemorated the 140 rangers who lost their lives in the line of duty between June 2023 and May 2024, including four from Nigeria”, Goni said, stressing the importance of recognizing the invaluable contributions of rangers in achieving global conservation goals.

He concluded by calling for collective action to support rangers, providing them with the necessary training, resources, and acknowledgment to continue their vital work. The event served as a poignant reminder of the unsung heroes of conservation, who dedicate their lives to protecting the planet’s precious biodiversity.

The journey to establish World Ranger Day began in 2004, when Sean Willmore, a park ranger turned filmmaker, was inspired by the stories of fallen rangers.

Today, it’s estimated that over 100,000 reserves, parks, and protected areas worldwide owe their preservation to the selfless work of rangers.

As the audience listened intently, the speaker emphasized the critical role rangers play in achieving the 30×30 biodiversity targets. With the planet facing unprecedented environmental challenges, the work of rangers is more vital than ever.

The event served as a poignant reminder of the unsung heroes of conservation, who toil behind the scenes to safeguard our cultural heritage and natural wonders. As the world comes together to celebrate World Ranger Day, we honor their courage, dedication, and unwavering commitment to protecting our planet’s precious resources.


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