Aishatu Buratai Debut Art Exhibition Of Paintings With Different Themes
Ibrahim Dahiru Danfulani
The maiden art and nature exhibition organized by Aishatu Tukur Buratai held on Saturday 12 February 2022 was a huge success, it not only attract people from different works of life but it was such a unique event that have as display exceptional but she shows some of her favourite pieces especially paintings that are very unique.
Miss Aishatu Tukur Buratai is a mixed media Artist who works mostly with oil on canvas. The paintings on display have different themes but she shows some of her favourite pieces especially paintings that are very close to nature. The Art and Nature collection has many paintings on display with the sun as a recurring symbol of brightness and boldness. The hint of yellow in the title of the exhibition refers to her constant use of yellow and red which run through most of her work.
There are several paintings on display which capture her interest in environmental degradation.
Her love of animals is portrayed in her eclectic animal collection. Her horse duo, one with a blue background and the other with a red background are aptly titled “Night” and “Day.” The artist’s love of nature comes through In her recourse to water and Islands which are reflected in the colour blue in many pieces on display. “A drop of sunlight” is the title of the star of the exhibition which is a sunburst flower that enchants and mesmerized in all its glorious hue of orange and yellow and sun burnt red.
This exhibition also showcases a collection of beautiful photographs on canvas all shot by the artist.
Speaking during the event that took place a at No. 18 Tennessee Crescent, Maitama, Abuja, the chairman of the occasion, Dr. Manzo Ahmed who delivered the welcome address, warmly and sincerely welcome the gathering to special event with the theme “A Hint of Yellow”, “at her instance, we were all invited to be here this afternoon, to look at, admire and appreciate her wonderful works of art and, in the process of doing so, give her the required encouragement, push and support that would enable this young and promising Artist to take her wonderful works of creativity to greater heights.

“Therefore, I urge all of us here today, and even those who are not able to be present here with us, to try and discharge this encouraging role with all the zeal and seriousness that it deserves, so as to place Miss
Aishatu Tukur Buratai on the right pedestal, to become one of the finest Artists Nigeria would ever produce”.
Miss Aishatu Tukur Buratai, is a 19 year old student of Nile university or Nigeria, Currently undergoing a
Bachelor’s degree program in the field of Biotechnology. She hails from Borno State in North East Nigeria. She is a self taught artist. Her involvement with art is one that came naturally. With the encouragement and belief of her family she has been able to soar.
According to Miss Buratai, Newton’s third law of motion state’s “For every action force, there is a reaction force equal in strength and opposite in direction”. By her own admission therefore, art is life
and life is art, When emotions are well expressed through art then inner peace settles Miss Buratai is a mixed media Artist.